Example sentences of "will [not/n't] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You will not in future , if you are to remain with us , allow any papers of mine entrusted to you to pass out of your care .
2 Among the many popular items in this Bill is the provision that councillors who will not pay their community charge or their council tax will not in future be entitled to vote on setting a budget for their local authorities —
3 Scientists then take these unfinished , inexact hypotheses and present them to other scientists for the express purpose of seeing if the hypothesis will not in fact be shot full of holes , hoping almost that it will be so shot , because Knowledge and Truth are thereby served , if only negatively , in having one more tenuous , groping hypothesis about the nature of the world shown to be false .
4 Most of the ‘ safe areas ’ offered to Muslims in fragments of Bosnia will not in fact be at all safe .
5 Now I would imagine that the aim is for the English retrainer of the French teacher of English , say to be fully bilingual ( however defined ) and qualified to do the job , though my guess is that this will not in fact always be possible .
6 First , those who have a political interest to pursue will not in fact always do so , for example consumers , who are numerous but widely distributed , generally have never organized themselves as effectively or as efficiently as producers , who are much fewer in number but already have a business organization able to be adapted for political purposes .
7 We now explain why this apparently neat solution will not in fact be possible .
8 This will not in fact give rise to a greater tax cost , if correctly arranged , than if , following a hive-up , Newco were to sell assets and distribute the proceeds to management , assuming the ACT payable on the distribution by Target were fully offset against its mainstream corporation tax , and the franked investment income received by Newco was matched by a franked payment to management .
9 If the court concludes that a plaintiff will take advantage of National Health Service facilities because no other suitable facilities will be available , it will not award him damages for the cost of notional private facilities that he will not in fact use .
10 In particular , the firm must make a " prescribed disclosure " to private customers in the UK about the fact that all or most of the FSA protections will not in fact apply .
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