Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 But it is not just trying to get the recipient to learn the ad by rote : it is , surely , trying to give information — persuasive information — about the product , so that the consumer will prefer it to its competitors and buy it .
2 It will thus be dusted with successive batches of pollen as they mature and will deliver them to other flowers on different individual plants elsewhere in its territory .
3 I will deliver it to my cousin . ’
4 The petition has been handed to Alyn and Deeside MP Barry Jones who will deliver it to Welsh Secretary John Redwood .
5 A glance at the route followed will prove that this is not a guide-book , and a glance at the contents will expose me to the scorn of local patriots who will see , with incredulous rage , that on many an occasion I passed silently through their favourite village .
6 Macmillan will explain it to you when he arrives . "
7 ‘ I will explain it to you presently , ’ said the Reverend gentleman , with a harassed glance over his shoulder to where Theda stood glaring at her second visitor .
8 Provided the bank manager believes you can afford to pay the money back , he will lend it to you .
9 A giant catapult will throw us to the mainland . ’
10 Some will make it to the market , others just fade away into their particular niche .
11 This morning , 104 headed for home and only 3 other Central South crews will make it to the finish .
12 It may however be relevant where the vendor is a partnership in which case each partner will be asked to provide the warranties and , in such circumstance , the purchaser will want them to be given on a joint and several basis .
13 My mother will want me to be more altruistic to hers , than my father will .
14 My father will want me to be more altruistic to his relatives , than my mother will .
15 Your agent will want you to be working , but they can not perform miracles for you .
16 Your mother will want you to herself . ’
17 On a fast , gusty launch a wooden glider will treat you to a series of creaks and groans , and occasionally bangs , which are alarming until you realize that it is all pretence and that the structure is not in the least danger of breaking up .
18 A jumpship will convey you to the home-base of the Imperial Fists . ’
19 If clients are better able to use another office , the team will direct them to it rather than act as key workers .
20 You will be met by your Enterprise representative who will direct you to your coach for the transfer to your resort .
21 They will direct you to the nearest telephone which is free of charge .
22 If Peggy can not offer dinner she will direct you to local pubs and restaurants .
23 For locating religious quotations , concordances to the Bible will direct you to quotations in the Old and New Testament .
24 The Index at the back of the book will direct you to the details , but if you are only aware of a symptom , this checklist may help you to diagnose the plumbing problem .
25 The hon. Member for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) shakes his head , but he should come to my constituency and I will introduce him to people who can not pay the poll tax because they simply do not have the money .
26 Oliver 's serenade will introduce us to Vitellia and Sesto , Annio and Servillia , and the Emperor Titus — ‘ and it will be clear that the first couple have a really terrible time , and that the second pair have a really nice time , and that the last gent , the one who does n't get married at the end , has to reconcile the emotions of the other four in himself . ’
27 ‘ You 're to meet in here , the four of you , after dinner , and I will introduce you to Miss Bedwelty . ’
28 But , come , I will introduce you to Alexander , he 's told his story many times .
29 You will be accompanied by our expert guide Mario Baiocchi who will introduce you to the history , sights and culture of the regions you visit .
30 Our Discovery Tour of Sri Lanka will introduce you to the many wonders of this harmonious land .
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