Example sentences of "will [vb infin] [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 But it is not just trying to get the recipient to learn the ad by rote : it is , surely , trying to give information — persuasive information — about the product , so that the consumer will prefer it to its competitors and buy it .
2 It will thus be dusted with successive batches of pollen as they mature and will deliver them to other flowers on different individual plants elsewhere in its territory .
3 I will deliver it to my cousin . ’
4 The petition has been handed to Alyn and Deeside MP Barry Jones who will deliver it to Welsh Secretary John Redwood .
5 It should be noted that if any of these ineffective exclusion clauses are included in an advertisement , the trader responsible will expose himself to the risk of proceedings against him under the Control of Misleading Advertisements Regulations 1988 ( see paragraph 16 — 37 , below ) .
6 A glance at the route followed will prove that this is not a guide-book , and a glance at the contents will expose me to the scorn of local patriots who will see , with incredulous rage , that on many an occasion I passed silently through their favourite village .
7 Macmillan will explain it to you when he arrives . "
8 ‘ I will explain it to you presently , ’ said the Reverend gentleman , with a harassed glance over his shoulder to where Theda stood glaring at her second visitor .
9 Many solicitors , in writing a letter for a client , will misrepresent the law , even though they are addressing themselves to a layman , and will lend themselves to various abuses and suppressions ( not involving a breach of law ) in order to obstruct a just claim .
10 Obviously not all historical writings will lend themselves to this imagining .
11 Young children 's natural curiosity and need to investigate the things around them , will lend itself to historical work investigating historical artefacts and simple historical evidence , and using oral history , asking questions of older members of the community .
12 Provided the bank manager believes you can afford to pay the money back , he will lend it to you .
13 A giant catapult will throw us to the mainland . ’
14 Some will make it to the market , others just fade away into their particular niche .
15 This morning , 104 headed for home and only 3 other Central South crews will make it to the finish .
16 It may however be relevant where the vendor is a partnership in which case each partner will be asked to provide the warranties and , in such circumstance , the purchaser will want them to be given on a joint and several basis .
17 My mother will want me to be more altruistic to hers , than my father will .
18 My father will want me to be more altruistic to his relatives , than my mother will .
19 Your agent will want you to be working , but they can not perform miracles for you .
20 Your mother will want you to herself . ’
21 Many will restrict themselves to such magazines and periodicals in which their chosen authors made significant appearances .
22 In the present chapter , I will restrict myself to a simple summary of Kuhn 's views .
23 I will restrict myself to these questions , though there are many more I would like to ask .
24 It will purchase the total range of care needed by local people with mental disorder and , meanwhile , the NHS will restrict itself to providing a psychiatric service for these individuals in whichever setting is most appropriate .
25 For now we will restrict ourselves to data on decision making and publication times .
26 On a fast , gusty launch a wooden glider will treat you to a series of creaks and groans , and occasionally bangs , which are alarming until you realize that it is all pretence and that the structure is not in the least danger of breaking up .
27 But I wish to relate to the council a particular episode , which I hope will convey something to those people who are perhaps still wavering erm , and whilst we all have principle stands on issues it behoves us as members to consider the views of our constituents and the sorts of things that take place in our wards .
28 A jumpship will convey you to the home-base of the Imperial Fists . ’
29 If clients are better able to use another office , the team will direct them to it rather than act as key workers .
30 You will be met by your Enterprise representative who will direct you to your coach for the transfer to your resort .
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