Example sentences of "will [vb infin] what [art] " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for selling can vary enormously and will affect what the vendor sees as the key issues .
2 Anyone who has been walking across grassland and has nearly trodden on a hare , will know what a shock it is when the animal suddenly leaps up and darts off .
3 Anyone who has ever participated in a voluntary organisation , youth work or parents ' association will know what a central place is taken by jumble sales and selling raffle tickets ( see Table 9.1 ) .
4 Anyone who saw her sketchbook exhibition will know what a fine display these made alongside her paintings .
5 If you come from a certain town or region , you will know what the different voices mean better than someone who comes from outside because you 've learned the code .
6 So we will know what the contribution levels are going to be .
7 Regardless of whether this critic has inadvertently recommended some English a cappella recordings in the very act of eloquently disparaging them , every listener , both in England and abroad , will know what the phrase ‘ overwhelming grisaille ’ is intended to convey .
8 For the first time they will know what the fans think . ’
9 Only a little thought will show what a nonsense this is , for , as we have just seen , no two individuals manifest their illnesses in exactly the same way even if they are given the same disease label .
10 Preliminary plans will show what the adaptation will look like — make sure that these are explained to you .
11 Our groundshare next season will show what the team is really made of as we run out for home games on the unfamiliar battlefield of St Dodimeads Comprehensive .
12 I want to just scotch the myth that has been put forward by Councillor about the poll tax cos did this at P and R and I will reiterate what the leader said then and I and and quite clearly and soundly , that the Labour Party , both nationally and locally , and this Labour Group do not condone a policy of non-payment either as a principle or as a tactic .
13 So we move to those in favour of amendment M moved by Councillor please show poll tax cos did this at P and R and I will reiterate what the leader said then and I and and quite clearly and soundly , that the Labour Party , both nationally and locally , and this Labour Group do not condone a policy of non-payment either as a principle or as a tactic .
14 Of course , the fact that you have written a computer program that will do what an animal does is no proof that the animal does it in the same way .
15 It is hardly surprising that a tiny minority of the signatories are now beginning to say , ’ We will not do what the treaty calls upon us to do ; we will do what the United Kingdom does . ’
16 If you look back at it you will see what a transformation has already taken place .
17 The artistic eye , for example , will see what the pedestrian and clinically-minded eye does not .
18 ‘ In the next few months we will see what the public think we should spend our money on , as we look at the results of a survey . ’
19 Those who have lived with a large refrigerator on board their yacht in sunnier climes will remember what a bother it is to have to run the engine for an hour every day to keep the drinks cold and the food fresh .
20 Everyone who has watched a loved one go through the experience of a major and dangerous operation will understand what the next few weeks were like .
21 Simon Tyler , of Chase de Vere , says that by taking the 5 per cent deferment ‘ borrowers can take out a loan for £84,000 and it will cost what a £50,000 repayment would with the Halifax ’ .
22 It will depend what the space situation is .
23 Once again the period of hypnosis itself will take only about twenty minutes , after which we will decide what the best form of homework would be in the particular circumstances .
24 They will decide what the term employee , resources or successor in title should mean .
25 Therefore the restaurant manager and other front-of-house staff must use their skill to talk enthusiastically and intelligently about the menu so that customers will appreciate what the chef is producing , and dare to be adventurous .
26 That is to say , they will have what the Jesuits once attached such importance to : power over young or impressionable minds .
27 A post-test will disclose what the student has learnt from the programme , and whether the objectives have been met .
28 I will hear what the Lord God has to say , a voice that speaks of peace .
29 Eric will realise what a great club he has joined . ’
30 Then , sooner or later the ‘ Greedy League ’ will realise what an asset they have lost .
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