Example sentences of "would [be] under the " in BNC.

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1 The fireplan would be under the control of the company once it moved from its final assault position on to the enemy position .
2 On present evidence , that would be welcome : a reunited Germany with Mr Kohl as its first chancellor is likely to be more prosperous , and stabler , than it would be under the Social Democrats .
3 I had tried to be first in order to get it over with quickly but now it was clear that I would be under the gaze of most if not all of the class .
4 The city would be under the protection of the League of Nations ; its territory would include Zoppot and the surrounding farmlands .
5 But suddenly the local VATman said that as the money held by Barfield exceeds the VAT threshold , it must pay 17.5% VAT on it — even though each business involved would be under the VAT threshold .
6 The captives in this case would be under the influence of tranquillizing drugs .
7 As any retinue would be under the command of the prince 's governor , earl Rivers , a large force might tilt the balance of power too far in the Woodvilles ' favour .
8 to acknowledge how ‘ well run ’ the wilderness has been ( and presumably would be under the same regime in future ) and how adept their bailiffs and stalkers have been at pursuing ‘ a careful policy of highly selective culling , a scientific approach to hind and calf management . ’
9 So he would be under the STV , and in many constituencies his re.adoption would be practically as it is now a guarantee of his return to Westminster .
10 So it is under our present system , and so it would be under the RES , if it were nomination either for a safe constituency seat or for a high position on a party list .
11 This is an imaginary world where fiction would be indistinguishable from fact because , like the novel , it would be under the sign of potentiality .
12 Fourth , we may point out that quite often the potential reference of the noun as modified by the adjective will not be the same in the predicate qualifying construction as it would be under the attributive version .
13 As any retinue would be under the command of the prince 's governor , earl Rivers , a large force might tilt the balance of power too far in the Woodvilles ' favour .
14 Dick is a trespasser and any duty owed would be under the 1984 Act .
15 If interest payable under any such agreement or notification is less than it would be under the client money regulations , that fact must be prominently stated in the relevant written consent .
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