Example sentences of "would [be] hold on " in BNC.

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1 MDC noted that a careers roadshow , which had attracted £1200 of sponsorship , would be held on 26 October 1991 at the Jesse Boot Centre , University of Nottingham .
2 Word went out to the people of the surrounding area that a conventicle would be held on the muir early on the Sunday morning .
3 The American military government promptly announced that elections would be held on 9 May 1948 , and UNTCOK undertook to observe the elections provided they were held ‘ in a free atmosphere , wherein the democratic rights of freedom of speech , press , and assembly would be recognized and accepted ’ .
4 Karen McDonald , BML 's NBS co-ordinator , said a NBS committee meeting would be held on 24th May to discuss what could be done to revitalise the sale .
5 Sir Robert Lowry the Chief Justice of Northern Ireland was appointed Chairman of the Convention on 22 February 1975 , and on 25 March Harold Wilson went to Northern Ireland to announce that the elections for the Constitutional Convention would be held on Thursday 1 May .
6 A national conference would be held on April 6-8 , the first meeting since 1985 of the organization 's national general council , when a new executive committee would be elected ; the UDF would continue as " an integral part of the Mass Democratic Movement " and intended to maintain its own activities even after legalization of the ANC .
7 Within three days of Lawrence 's succession Hawke announced that federal elections , due by the end of May 1990 , would be held on March 24 .
8 On Jan. 24 , 1990 , the Prime Minister and LDP president , Toshiki Kaifu , announcing that elections for the House of Representatives would be held on Feb. 18 , dissolved the Diet .
9 The SLORC and the Election Commission decided on Nov. 6 , 1989 , that a general election would be held on May 27 , 1990 .
10 In Venda , following a special session of the homeland assembly on March 13 , it was announced that a similar referendum would be held on reintegration , and also that the Constitution would be revised to allow for a multiparty system .
11 The government had originally announced on Feb. 14 that the election would be held on March 28-29 ; on March 28 it was announced that polling would be extended for a further day on account of heavy rains which had led to voters being discouraged by transport difficulties .
12 They agreed future extradition arrangements for fugitive criminals , and decided that talks would be held on the creation of a final Court of Appeal .
13 It was announced on April 5 that the planned summit meeting between the US and Soviet leaders , President Bush and President Gorbachev , would be held on May 30-June 3 in the USA .
14 It was officially announced on May 14 that elections to local and central organs would be held on July 29 .
15 Later that day Kaunda blamed the rioting on advocates of a multiparty system , but announced that a referendum on the adoption of a multiparty system would be held on Oct. 17 [ for agreement to hold such a referendum see p. 37446 ] .
16 Prunskiene , on the other hand , claimed that in a telephone conversation later on June 26 Gorbachev had assured her that negotiations would be held on an " inter-state " basis , implying equality between the negotiating parties .
17 He also announced that elections would be held on Oct. 24 .
18 ( Elections in Berlin , which was not part of Brandenburg , would be held on Dec. 2 , 1990 . )
19 It was announced on Feb. 11 that Nepal 's first multiparty general election in 30 years would be held on May 30 .
20 Drawn up by a panel of civilian and military experts , the charter was to remain in force for a 30-month interim period , at the end of which a referendum would be held on a new constitution for Chad .
21 The conference nonetheless appeared to have agreed that the interim government would serve until January 1992 , and that a general election would be held on Oct. 15 , 1991 .
22 On April 13 the Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir ( AJK ) , Mumtaz Hussain Rathore , announced in Muzaffarabad that elections to a new State Assembly would be held on June 29 .
23 President Zhelyu Zhelev announced on July 16 that local and general elections would be held on Sept. 29 .
24 The Moslem President of Bosnia-Hercevgovina , Alija Izetbegovic , protested at the holding of the meeting which he saw as unrepresentative and as a move to split Moslems in the republic , and on Aug. 16 he announced that a referendum would be held on the future of Bosnia-Hercegovina at a date to be determined by Bosnia 's parliament .
25 Presidential elections would be held on Dec. 1 ( with a second round on Dec. 15 if necessary ) and legislative elections on Jan. 15 , 1992 .
26 On April 9 the Conference agreed that the next meeting would be held on April 26 following which formal devolution talks would begin and continue until the next planned meeting of the two sides on July 16 [ see p. 38156 ] .
27 On Oct. 15 President Chadli Benjedid announced that the general election postponed since June [ see p. 38312 ] would be held on Dec. 26 , with a second round of voting on Jan. 16 , 1992 , to decide constituencies in which there was no outright winner .
28 On Nov. 28 the interim Prime Minister , Jean-Jacques Honorat , announced that fresh elections would be held on Jan. 5 , 1992 , in defiance of an OAS resolution .
29 Ershad and a number of former ministers were arrested on charges of corruption and abuse of power , and the transitional government on Dec. 14 announced that parliamentary elections would be held on March 2 , 1991 ( subsequently brought forward to Feb. 27 ) .
30 On Dec. 24 the interim Prime Minister , Anand Panyarachun , announced that an election would be held on March 22 , 1992 .
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