Example sentences of "would [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The answer is probably to run him on a left hand track where such antics would not cost him so much ground .
2 Although Nelson is probably right to say that the DUP had lost its role ‘ as the articulator of poor Protestants ’ social grievances ' by the end of the 1970s , this would not cost it votes until there was an alternative .
3 She would not open it , even for cleaning .
4 Lyons , in fact , would support this view and , whatever other characteristics he might attribute to literacy , or to specific language-systems such as English , he would not associate them with lack of ambiguity , as do Hildyard , Olson and Greenfield .
5 If we were to refer to the light , we would not associate it with an individual object .
6 He does not , however , make the powerful point which had some currency at the time , that even were there universally accepted beliefs which were innate , this would not make them true , and so something we knew .
7 Good deeds were good in themselves , and the ears and eyes and approval of the world would not make them better — quite the reverse .
8 Even if the 500 tons were subsequently separated from the bulk of the cargo and thereby identified , this would not make them ‘ specific goods . ’
9 Even retrofitting of flue gas desulphurisation at the big coal stations would not make them more expensive than some gas burn .
10 His personal religious feelings would not make him doubt Ramsey , for he owed something in his private religion to that tradition of the Oxford Movement which Ramsey represented .
11 Keir Hardie joined Labour because the Liberals would not make him , a miner , a parliamentary candidate .
12 He hoped she had made up her mind to talk and would not make him lose valuable time persuading her .
13 negligently allowing the goods to be stolen ) would not make him liable for conversion though if he were a bailee of the goods he might be liable in detinue in such circumstances .
14 I decided that , whatever else happened , tonight I would not make him angry .
15 Even if a band that I liked did this , I 'm sure that it would not make me gay ( And even if the power of rock introduced you to the delights of homosexuality , who cares , eh ?
16 Personally , I reject the Oxford claim that English Literature begins with Anglo-Saxon , and would not make it a required subject .
17 One suspects he would not make it were Islam a majority religion in Britain .
18 Although he was wary of commenting on a specific meeting , Mr Hyde said the company ‘ would not make it a matter of policy to say we have been in contact or received authorisation , if that had n't been the case ’ .
19 The most frequent trigger to that crisis was career blockage , the realization that they , with the vast majority , would not make it to the top .
20 There may be practical difficulties in enforcing such a law but that would not make it invalid .
21 Of course , they would not make it simple .
22 In the case of purely generic goods , if the particular goods which the seller had in mind to supply had in fact perished at the time of the contract this would not make it impossible for him to perform the contract .
23 ‘ I am worried that she would not make it if she went down like that again .
24 They sprang into action when mum Angela Turner said she would not make it to Bishop Auckland hospital in time .
25 Priestley concludes that ‘ twenty Marxian treatises about the proletariat would not make you feel a tenth of the compassion for the dispossessed urban masses as this bit of pantomime does ’ .
26 Your German and French are undoubtedly of value , but it must be remembered that this would not make you instantly preferable to , say , a German organisation with a manufacturing interest in Czechoslovakia over a fluent German speaker who is a Czech national or vice versa .
27 and that acceptance would not preclude them from running a Unionist next time , promises that caused trouble later .
28 But if the electrons in the inversion layer are connected to a reservoir , as we have asserted to explain the plateaux , one would not expect them to behave like free , independent particles .
29 This was the essence of the problem : the press could only be managed by someone who knew their methods and who would not expect them to come round to Central Office to search for news .
30 I would not expect them to pair and breed until they are at least four inches long , so you will have to be patient .
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