Example sentences of "would [vb infin] after [art] " in BNC.

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1 Normally a knight expected to serve for about forty days a year at his own expense ; the terms of his service might also be restricted — when and where he served , and for how long he would stay after the forty days if the king paid him .
2 Leszek Balcerowicz , the Finance Minister and deputy Prime Minister , announced on Aug. 5 that he would resign after the parliamentary elections planned for October , saying that his decision had been made for family reasons .
3 MacDonald returned to London on December 8th to find that the evening papers were prophesying that Baldwin would resign after the weekend and advise the King to send for him .
4 After the meeting it was announced that the Lebanese-Syrian Supreme Council would convene after the formation of a new Lebanese government in October to draw up a comprehensive timetable for a Syrian withdrawal .
5 The stone ( not a marble , but some kind of limestone ) looked just as one would expect after an operation to remove dirt and accumulated grime , and I do not see why this aspect of the work should give rise to so much concern .
6 The civilians would look after the waves of foreign investment lapping into Thailand , while the armed forces would retain their grip on many state-owned enterprises and would be given a free hand to run Thailand 's relations with its neighbours .
7 She had arranged to go and live with a niece , whose husband was out of work ; the couple would look after the old lady together .
8 ‘ I would n't mind , ’ she explained , ‘ but they just took it for granted that she would go back to work and I would look after the baby , without even asking me . ’
9 He outlined his scheme in a letter to Henry IV of Germany , whom he fondly imagined would look after the interests of the papacy in his absence , But within a year Gregory and Henry were at war , and Gregory had to divert his ‘ crusade , to deal with enemies nearer home .
10 Mother Francis sighed and prayed silently that the Lord would look after the soul of Jack Malone .
11 see that the society returned to sane management , and elected only business men who would look after the society 's interests first , and seeing that the present majority favoured representation by socialists only , they should be fought one by one as they appeared for re-election , until the confidence of the membership , at present abused and outraged , was restored , and the society stood for co-operation pure and simple .
12 Hayling , Walsh and the others gravely signed undertakings to appear in the prospectus that they would look after the shareholders ' money and manage the company in a ‘ responsible and profitable manner ’ .
13 Then Katrine would look after the money for the month , but it did n't work .
14 Not only did this geezer Kev Knowles agree to turn out for us , he also said he would look after the programme as long as he could incorporate a number of religious tracts .
15 None of his uncles and aunts would look after the little Jovo , so the kindly brother and sister took him in , Stoja and Stojane .
16 Well I suppose probably people li like nursemaids and er and er what they used to call in those days mothers ' helps , who used to sort of be a general skivvy around the house and would look after the children , and , and , and they were the same , they had to be in I think at , at sort of ten o'clock at night .
17 They would look after the wounded and use their still-room skills to try to contain the multitude of diseases such as consumption and fevers , that would follow a travelling army .
18 If I had a son he would look after the goats and go fishing with my husband .
19 They had a young child , but the court did not take account of who would look after the child while they were in prison .
20 He would look after the government on as much of a care and maintenance basis as circumstances permitted , deciding only urgent matters and then only with Cabinet consent if this were possible .
21 ‘ You gave me your word , Laura , that you would look after the twins to the very best of your ability . ’
22 Two days later the junior partner in the coalition government , the Progressive Democrats ( PD ) , said that without " the necessary step to restore authority and effectiveness of government " it would withdraw after the presentation of the budget [ see below ] .
23 The account of habituation offered in Chapter 2 held that dishabituation would occur after a retention interval when the input failed to match the ( partly forgotten ) representation of the stimulus — when the subject failed to recognize the test stimulus .
24 There are other things he has , on his own admission , not fully investigated , like the value of the DRG properties , or which part of the DRG business he would keep after the break up .
25 It had yet to be seen if the carpenter would relapse after the wedding was over .
26 Now that the sun had come out , many of the spectators had stayed to see how the celebrities would perform after the fireworks of the professionals .
27 Catastrophes would serve a useful function in killing off the old species just as the conditions were changing , leaving the world clear for the Creator to step in and design a whole new population adapted to the environment that would stabilize after the upheaval .
28 He predicts that , while 50 per cent of people would die from a dose of 600 rads , only 5 per cent would die after a dose of 400 rads .
29 His famous ancestor , Mbatian , made a prophecy about what would happen after the arrival of the white man .
30 Gloucester may well have shared the current anxieties about how the Woodvilles ' role would develop after the coronation .
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