Example sentences of "would [vb infin] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Morton saw that Leonard and Mrs Cohen were very close , and nothing emphasised this more than her willingness to take them and their friends out for meals , especially to a favourite Greek restaurant where she would be the life of the party , not least in singing , and encouraged by good wine which the restaurateur would ply them with in order to get the mood of the evening going .
2 So I would prefer them to be assessed in that way than to post them off , and I 'm glad we 've got that choice …
3 For example , Hungary , Poland and Romania were inserted into the upper-middle-income group , where their apparent per capita income scores would locate them in any case , whereas Angola , Cuba and North Korea were transplanted from lower-middle-income to nonreporting nonmembers .
4 They rushed out into Regent 's Park — out of earshot — and Simon told her , yes of course he was forcing her hand , it was blackmail : he did love her so , she was the right one for him and he 'd take her tomorrow on five hundred pounds , if someone would lend them to him , and he did rather fancy himself as a married man at twenty-one .
5 I am really glad of it ; I do n't think I would want them to be there , just in case I lost .
6 These three have worked together harmoniously and with some notable successes since Reilly took charge early in 1987 and it is certain that he would want them alongside him again for the hard year ahead , in which Great Britain play 10 Tests , including three World Cup games .
7 These three have worked together harmoniously and with some notable successes since Reilly took charge early in 1987 and it is certain that he would want them alongside him again for the hard year ahead , in which Great Britain play 10 Tests , including three World Cup games .
8 The second argues more generally that since we have made mistakes , or would make them in imaginary similar circumstances , we do not know now .
9 The argument is that we or others have made mistakes in the past or would make them in circumstances which , so far as we can tell , are not relevantly different from our present circumstances .
10 Reaffirming the 1990 decision , which found Koons guilty of pirating the original photograph , the appeals court criticised Koons and Sonnabend for assuming that their position in the art business and the high price of the works would shield them from any legal action .
11 Well you would treat them as a separate entity .
12 Perhaps the police would n't even let them do that , perhaps they would treat them like gypsies and move them on and on and not let them stop anywhere .
13 He trained them to regular confession , and whenever any one of them was dying would prepare them for death , and be thankful when they died in penitence , peace and hope .
14 He still treated Edward coolly , stating with conviction that he had his orders direct from London and saw no need to go over them in detail , and no possibility that he would modify them on the say-so of a junior officer he did not know .
15 Clement wrote a pamphlet giving his reasons for the split and accusing Wilson of mismanagement , irresponsible militancy and the encouragement of foreign seamen into Britain , presumably because of his refusal to accept a rule which would debar them from membership .
16 This course of action would expose them to the prospect of mounting fines and eventual seizure of assets .
17 The judge also had to consider a submission made by the mother that the return of the children ( if ordered ) would expose them to a ‘ grave risk of physical or psychological harm or place them in an intolerable situation ’ within the terms of paragraph ( b ) of article 13 .
18 He further decided that she had not established a grave risk that the return of the children would expose them to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place them in an intolerable situation , and he ordered their return to Australia pursuant to the provisions of article 12 of the Hague Convention .
19 Mr. Wall argued that the exercise of the discretion which arises as a result of the finding of ‘ acquiescence ’ made by the Court of Appeal , is limited to considering the nature and quality of the acquiescence itself and would not entitle the court to take into account ‘ welfare ’ considerations relating specifically to the children unless the court were able to find that there had been established a grave risk that the return of the children would expose them to an intolerable situation under article 13 ( b ) .
20 He submits that matters regarding their welfare can only be taken into account on the exercise of discretion under article 13 if they establish the criterion to be found in article 13 ( b ) , i.e. , that there is a grave risk that their return would expose them to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place them in an intolerable situation .
21 By depreciating against the other currencies as needed , the scavenger currency would insulate them from this local depression .
22 She would bribe them with love : " Just a handful , a small handful , Fagan , " she pleaded .
23 She would occasionally reward Thatcherite newspapers , such as the Express , with a gracious , unrevealing interview ; on television , Sir Robin Day and Brian Walden would flatter her by pretending to be tough , and she would flatter them by pretending they were .
24 If a person has become disabled through no fault of their own and they 're not going to be provided with a benefit which would compensate them for being out of work , they will suffer enormously . ’
25 You would consider them to be a sign of weakness ! ’
26 Similarly , those who hoped that the more flexible regulations would qualify them for grant well in excess of the traditional 75% were doomed to disappointment .
27 Then would having a good head for numbers be the sort of thing that would individuate them at the level of their soul ?
28 She would need them over the weekend , God willing .
29 On second thoughts , if he was to try and make sense of the puzzle , he would need them for reference .
30 For mums it was the era of the cheap washing machine that would free them from drudgery .
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