Example sentences of "would [vb infin] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 And there was a warning of the effect proposed cuts in British aid would have on long term projects in the third world …
2 Dana was always balanced between the two , whereas I would fluctuate for long periods — a year or two in the male , a year or two in the female scale , with often sharp and distressing adjustments of behaviour and character .
3 At home , I would go on long walks , which were less the contemplative rambles I had previously enjoyed than frantic attempts to keep the body going , to keep the machine working .
4 They would go on long train journeys together .
5 He had often been on duty at the hospital , and then Comfort and Julia would lie on long cushioned chairs on the terrace , breathing in the lemon scent of the immense magnolia that sprawled up the old red brick of the house and talking about him and about what life might be like when they all left Oxford .
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