Example sentences of "would only [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The control theory would only eliminate alcohol abuse if consumption were reduced to zero — an unrealistic proposition , as the prohibitionists in the United States found out earlier this century .
2 Yet the value of such a ‘ special circumstances ’ doctrine is limited , since it would only cover insider dealing in face-to-face transactions and so provide no remedies to those dealing though impersonal stock exchange markets .
3 The difficulty from the outset was that the Treasury would only give approval for mandatory awards for DipHE students if it had a two ‘ A ’ level entry .
4 This fund would only benefit member countries with a per capita income of less than 90 per cent of the EC average ( i.e. Greece , Ireland , Portugal and Spain ) .
5 Adoption of EC Commission proposals would only grant copyright protection to those databases which involved intellectual and creative effort in their compilation .
6 Arriving at the School with Jasper and Bienvida in a borrowed beat-up Ford van , its roofrack loaded with launderette bags of clothes and its inside with her sticks of furniture ( sticks was the word ) , she told him the advertisement would only attract riff-raff .
7 The sums involved made it difficult to prevent the inflows from boosting the money supply by selling bonds , and in any case , if this were attempted it would only prevent interest rates from falling and keep the currency attractive to those anxious to get out of dollars .
8 Most people would only eat bran with breakfast cereal .
9 She joked that she would only make money fifty years after she was dead , and he told her that money did not matter .
10 Another speaker said that our presence would only draw attention and suspicion to their villages .
11 Here purists were deliberately challenging official arguments which opposed fresh legislation or greater public discussion on the grounds that this would only draw attention to sex and incite immorality .
12 To continue would only mean chaos at the Cabinet meeting itself .
13 I thought she 'd be shocked but she was n't , although she said she thought I should try to forget him because it would only mean unhappiness for me . ’
14 This is close to instrumental accounts of the role of the state , but Habermas argued that these economic crises would only threaten capitalism if they were unresolved .
15 Once the Government had approved the NVQ it would only offer NVQ training assistance .
16 Police sources said the shooting had the hallmarks of a ‘ professional execution ’ : a light handgun was used that would only ensure death if used at point-blank range .
17 ‘ We did n't think , for instance , it should be necessary for umpires to inspect the ball every over in all levels of cricket — that would only waste time .
18 Mr David Owen , Nupe 's area officer , said the decision not to use ambulance radios meant that crews would only answer emergency calls at stations .
19 My brother and I used to have a joke — we saw how hard our father worked — that we would only consider medicine if we could become specialists in venereal diseases , because we would never have to get up in the middle of the night and we would never be out of work .
20 By contrast , there are 2 basic operations at the lowest level ; so if instead all the basic operations were applied directly , at a single level , the first of them would only gain credit during the 2 th successful search .
21 Because its prime concern had to be the restoration of viability , then where that implied a loss of jobs , the Agency would only recommend rescue if the workforce understood and accepted the implication , would arrange for the selection of those who were to become members of the co-operative and , by exclusion , decide who would lose their jobs .
22 That would mean that the best part of the programme — its price reform — would only cause inflation ( already in three digits ) to spiral out of control .
23 He wanted to but was afraid he would only cause trouble .
24 ( Prof. Michael Pentz calculated that while a tenfold increase in power would only increase effectiveness by 4½ times , a tenfold increase in accuracy would give a hundredfold increase in effectiveness . )
25 Little legislation was actually passed , being successfully fought back with arguments that reducing PAC power would only increase power in other areas of campaign spending .
26 In July , when Nationalists protested at the failure of the corporation to appoint Nationalists to committee chairs , the mayor pointed out that fifteen or sixteen years ago the Nationalists had said that they would refuse to take such chairs and that they would only take part in corporation affairs in order to disrupt them .
27 It was clear from the start that American aid would only take place in the context of commitments to economic reform within Europe .
28 Narudon Detpradiyut , a senior Thai Supreme Command official , that a transfer of power to civilian rule in Myanma would only take place after a new constitution had been drafted and fresh elections held .
29 Voting would only take place after considerable debate and amendments to existing family and property laws .
30 You would have put £10,000 towards a good cause — but it would only have cost you £6,000 , because you would have saved the rest in tax .
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