Example sentences of "would have have the " in BNC.

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1 Because Sandy was embarked on a marriage and a career pointing him in a more conventional direction than mine , planning the sort of life that looked to me to have more obviously evolved from the background I 'd put behind me , it did n't seem to me that he would have had the wherewithal — ‘ morally ’ , as I would have been quick to say then — to help me through my predicament or , if he did , that it was possible for me with my values , to solicit his assistance .
2 If they had all gone for a midnight swim , we would have had the worst slick since the Torrey Canyon .
3 No archbishop but Fisher would have had the administrative ability or the tenacity to achieve the end .
4 They had found the answer to the American conundrum , and they assured themselves that no other people on earth would have had the qualities necessary to do so .
5 They were willing to accept a cut in transitional benefit which would have had the effect of ‘ throwing at least some of those receiving transitional benefit upon public assistance ’ , while Henderson pressed hard for a ‘ premium ’ , a flat deduction of 1s. a week from all unemployment benefits .
6 Many set the odds on Rank achieving his ambitions very low indeed , seemingly believing that , as Eric Ambler was later to remark , ‘ a policy of selling British cars to America with their steering wheels on the right would have had the same chance of success . ’
7 ‘ You 'd have thought one of them would have had the balls , ’ said one wet who voted for Mrs Thatcher on the grounds that no serious candidate had come forward .
8 A pair of young fighters who come into the ring and fight a contest of this kind would have had the referee boxing their ears and offering such terse words as ‘ get in there and fight ’ .
9 Psalm 48.12–13 bears witness to a similar procession round the walls of Jerusalem , though in the case of Jericho it would have had the particular significance of a celebration of God 's gift of the Land and conquest achieved with his might .
10 In the near-famine of 1795 , champions of the market economy would have had the poor starve and let mobs of hungry peasants loose on the countryside .
11 So much torrential rain fell overnight and throughout the day of the finals that the organisers decided to dispense with scrums and let the team who would have had the scrum take a free-kick instead .
12 Even so , many succeeded in establishing a relationship similar to a heterosexual marriage , and Hanns Ebensten believes that ‘ had he not been a homosexual , John would have had the same occasional hours of despair and misery , and maybe had a succession of failing marriages and affairs .
13 Jones taunted Cooke : ‘ Hey Alec , if you 'd caught that one you would have had the record . ’
14 Had I been asked to imagine myself as I would have looked during that time , you can be sure that I would have had the beautiful gown , the ruffled frill and the bejewelled fingers of a lady .
15 Then William and Harry would have had the support of their parents during what must undoubtedly be a very traumatic time for them .
16 The Commissioner had gone too far and had given a ruling that would have had the effect of preventing the Crown from leading evidence which , as a matter of law , was admissible .
17 Had it been the director with a retained shareholding of 30 shares who had died on 31 December 1986 , his estate too would have had the benefit of business assets relief , but at a lower percentage deduction .
18 ‘ did , without having the consent of the owner or other lawful authority ’ Means that this offence is not committed if the accused believed that he had lawful authority to do it or that he would have had the owner 's consent if the owner knew of his doing it and the circumstances of it .
19 If the test case had been successful , 200,000 motorists guilty of failing to supply samples would have had the chance to appeal .
20 ‘ Among them were rich aristocrats who would have had the same fine dental work with gold fillings seen in these so-called remains of the Imperial family .
21 That way St Anthony 's would have had the benefit of her cooking .
22 But there again , he never sent her to the really big houses because , as he said , if there was anything going , the servants would have had the first pick .
23 For I have no doubt that , had this been the case , the great American artist , given the purity of his motivation , would have had the courtesy to apprise the Italian artist of his project .
24 He did n't know their long-term histories , but each one of them would have had the break far back , hooked into it , started climbing .
25 Ohka 33 would have had the endurance to permit a second or third attempt should the first death-dive have been miscalculated .
26 All the same , I doubt very much that when I was in a comparable situation I would have had the same faith and determination that Tom did .
27 I would have been its curator , and would have had the top floor to myself ’ .
28 She would not have minded if he had yelled at her , for he would have had the right to .
29 And major social reforms — the establishment of free trade unions or the redistribution of noble land — would have had the same effect .
30 If she had been hurt , he would have had the slave bastinadoed .
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