Example sentences of "would have [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Four or five years before , the Communist Party would have advocated revolution " to bring down the National Government " .
2 He looked distraught , his tie was pulled down and his collar open , his hair was ruffled , but even if he had been neatly dressed and groomed , the bright staring eyes and hectic cheeks would have warned Pascoe that something was amiss .
3 One would have thought that the principle of people living in glass houses not throwing stones would have warned Ivan off a career as a journalist , gossip , and so-called satirist , but it did not seem to occur to him that he was asking for trouble of a kind that she knew would cause him the most intimate anguish : but in fact , so appalling were Ivan 's features and physique that comment on them was rare , even his worst enemies ( and he had hundreds ) not considering them fair game .
4 Sir Hal Miller , a former senior Tory backbencher , claimed that Sir Patrick Mayhew , then attorney general , had urged him not to produce evidence which would have cleared businessmen accused of exporting arms .
5 The pope also probably intended the introduction of a taxation scheme which would have involved contributions from all cathedral chapters and major religious houses .
6 At one point I made a straightforward attempt to discover what principles were followed in the amalgamation of libraries which clearly would have involved duplication and manifold reasons for legitimate dispersals .
7 Judges in contempt cases can be judges in their own cause ; it is doubtful whether juries would have convicted Granada television for refusing to name its " mole " within British Steel , or solicitor Harriet Harman for giving a journalist access to documents read out in open court , or " The Independent " for publishing excerpts from " Spycatcher " at a time when the Government was trying to stop the British public from reading a book on open sale in other countries .
8 People would have grabbed door handles to get out and been sucked into the fabric of the door .
9 It would have been easier to delete the file form the outside , but that would have mindwiped Daine , Tunney and herself .
10 That would have enabled space to be cleared .
11 The result was that his serious physical illness was assumed to be a form of ‘ school phobia ’ and his parents were threatened with a court order if he did not return to school Access to the file , including the head 's letter , would have enabled correction of the factual errors at least and perhaps an accurate diagnosis of his illness to be made .
12 A pundit of the Electoral Reform Society , noting that the French Socialist manifesto produced for the 1981 general election envisaged twenty-one separate reforms , has claimed that the STV would have enabled voters to show which of them they approved of .
13 Club and pub doormen would have to carry registration cards and face a vetting procedure if the project takes off this year .
14 Any changes which are not disclosed may cause the court not to sanction the scheme if it decides that they would have influenced shareholders on how to vote .
15 But even they will blench if a marble statue waves at them , for you would have to live dealions of years longer than even they do to see a miracle of this magnitude .
16 However , notwithstanding his extensive programme , no courses longer than the Terminal type were arranged , possibly because student groups were not formed in the villages of people who would have accepted responsibility to stimulate , organise and sustain local demand .
17 By far the most effective arrangements presently available are those which : ( 1 ) provide for the continuing partners to have the option to acquire the share in the firm of an outgoing partner ( which overcomes the tax problems noted in Chapter 10 and offers some desirable freedom of manoeuvre to the continuing partners without ordinarily causing any disadvantage to the outgoing partner ) ; ( 2 ) finance the purchase of the share of a partner who dies before retirement by way of insurance effected on the lives of each of the partners the proceeds of which are declared to be held on trust for the partners for the time being ; ( 3 ) finance by endowment insurance the purchase of the shares of partners whose retirement can be predicted ; ( 4 ) ensure that in any case which is not or can not be sufficiently covered by available insurance ( eg payments to a partner who is expelled or who otherwise leaves the firm before normal retirement date ) payment of any capital sum is spread over a period so to reduce the burden on the continuing partners without imposing any great hardship on the outgoing partner or his estate ; and ( 5 ) impose on each partner an obligation ( Clause 14.02 ) to take out adequate ( as discussed with all the partners from time to time ) retirement provision for the benefit of himself and his familyso as not to impose any burden in that respect on the firm , which in former times would have accepted responsibility .
18 The local authority social work team concerned with J. would have accepted Dr. I. 's advice , but in view of the seriousness of the decision rightly referred the matter to the case review sub-committee consisting of elected councillors .
19 It remains to decide whether the Unionists would have accepted fusion if Lloyd George could have made it a real option in 1920 .
20 Had it been made in the 1930s , Jimmy Stewart would have played Buck and Margaret Sullavan would have taken the Hoffman role , dying in the arms of the man she loves just as she reaches Miami .
21 He would have played Finland 's Sami Elopuro , who is a tenacious retriever but lacks the wherewithal to counter-attack as Eyles did .
22 We er we would have played Tottenham on the night of the Q P R game .
23 If this obstruction , obviously intended to stop Webb playing any further part in stopping the move , had been noticed , the try would have been disallowed , the game drawn and England would have played Canada and so on .
24 But if that was the case and doctors told me I would have to stop drinking , I 'd like to think I 'd be brave enough to drink myself into the grave .
25 Now , in spite of the spring sunshine , it would be hard to imagine a lonelier place in the British Isles , and it was here that Bob , the chief engineer , chose to announce that he would have to stop engines to effect repairs .
26 The only problem there , though , since she would have to let Personnel at Vasey 's know where she had moved to , was that her employer would have no trouble in finding her at her new address either !
27 Without them the toast , and the evening , would have fallen flat .
28 They stressed , however , that the republics would have to continue payments on debts " as a precondition for maintaining credit-worthiness and for further financial assistance " .
29 Yet Boswell and other Johnsonians report that , long before the pension , Johnson wondered aloud if holding up his right hand would have secured victory for the Stuarts at Culloden to Prince Charles 's army , he was not sure he would have held it up ; so little confidence had he in the right claimed by the house of Stuart , and so fearful was he of the consequences of another revolution on the throne of Great Britain' .
30 I would have concluded Herr Bremann was suffering from some serious illness , but for certain remarks his lordship made at that time assuring me this was not so .
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