Example sentences of "would be to have [art] " in BNC.

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1 One way would be to have a chemical whose concentration was fixed at one end of the line , and this concentration decreased as one moved down the line .
2 I have often thought how interesting and useful it would be to have a globe in the house .
3 There 's one small improvement that Lowden could easily make to the LSE , and that would be to have a strap-button at the heel as a standard feature .
4 The borrowed cat was a wonderful balancer , and Mildred felt rather disloyal as she found herself thinking how nice it would be to have a well-behaved sleek black cat which she could feel proud of .
5 They make rotten toilet paper , and I do n't know what else to do with them , and , oh Nick ’ — she suddenly sat heavily beside me on the bed — ‘ you 're a good man and sometimes I think how nice it would be to have a good man in my life again . ’
6 Luxury would be to have a freshly laundered set every night .
7 Thought how wonderful t would be to have a man 's arms around you ; someone to hold you , touch you , bring you to life ?
8 They had often fantasised about how nice it would be to have a baby .
9 cross rail tender type of document would be to have a standard three or four sheets that were relative to the whole group .
10 One way of moving towards this would be to have a Council Tax Administration Team dealing with the same geographic area as a Council Tax Rebate Team .
11 However , the more I thought about it , the more I imagined how nice it would be to have a really fabulous holiday in Andalucía .
12 My Lords in any case , the best arrangements if we have to have these extra people would be to have a number appointed er but encouraged by th the police authority itself .
13 One aspect of performance that one might expect of any machine that was to pass the test ( by behaving in such a way that the human interlocutor never even suspected a machine was present ) would be to have the sort of final authority over what state it was in that we normally concede to humans : when Jones , on the neurosurgeon 's table , insists that he is in pain , we tend to allow his authority even though the neurosurgeon says that , given the position of the brain probe at that moment , he should not be .
14 The ideal would be to have the soundtrack on an audio cassette .
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