Example sentences of "would be the end " in BNC.

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1 With that final remark he would go into a huff and that would be the end of the conversation .
2 She earlier proclaimed that last October would be the end of life on earth .
3 ‘ Two years ago if you said you liked Mick Jagger it would be the end of your career , but now it 's suddenly cool to like them , ’ says vocalist Simon .
4 Things have now finally reached the point which our Führer at the outbreak of this struggle prophesied to world Jewry in his great speech : ‘ … should Jewry once more succeed in again plunging the nations into a new world war , it would be the end of that race , and not ours . ’
5 Until now , the question of Mary 's personal behaviour has been all-important ; what has mattered was to establish her guilt or innocence , as if that would be the end of the story .
6 But Bob Balchin , chairman of the Grant Maintained Schools Foundation , which oversees the schools , said the move would be the end of the road for as many as half of them .
7 If the foregoing representation of Jesus Christ can be accepted , it would be the end of the mysticism surrounding him , and a much more acceptable understanding of his role on earth be produced and given credence .
8 This would be the end of the Finztermunzterschlucht ( grade IV–VI ) and the Tösenerschlucht ( grade III–IV ) .
9 Her death , I felt , would be the end of my world .
10 As the original film revolved around Tom Cruise 's driving exploits ( as well as the usual ‘ heartbreaking ’ love story ) it seems only logical that a racing game would be the end product of a computer conversion .
11 It would be the end of the world for me . ’
12 ‘ That would be the end of me , I 'd be nothing then , ’ he would mumble , and once Nathan tried to tap out code on his hand , so that he would understand messages in the event .
13 I would hang them all round the school and you 'd all get stuck to them and that would be the end of it .
14 So I got up immediately and said it would be the end of a beautiful friendship if he accused me of necrophilia !
15 Obviously as well in Metternich 's er er , in Metternich 's case nationalism would be the end of the Austrian empire .
16 She had thought that would be the end of it .
17 Perhaps Adam would come back tomorrow , and tell her Jake was safe , and that would be the end of it .
18 Money from the sale of an old cup that turned out to be valuable , that would be different ; Gran would take it , without much thanks to Ben for his trouble , and perhaps it would be the end of all her struggles .
19 I would be nice to think that if people knew the correct diet for them particularly the correct diet for weight loss , they would simply go and follow it , and that would be the end of obesity .
20 I lay down in my boat , sure that when we reached the rough , open water , that would be the end for me .
21 And though Tutilo did not yet know what lay in store for him , nevertheless he could not be quite sure this apparently joyous return would be the end of it .
22 They 'd put a terrible strain on the council : if they all wakened up , right down through the layers of time , there 'd be cavemen mouthing mindless questions in the barren , gameless desert of streets and traffic , and it would be the end of the world .
23 It was thought that a similar equation would govern the proton , which was the only other particle known at the time , and that would be the end of theoretical physics .
24 And that would be the end of it .
25 It would be the end of all her high ambitions , and though the world would not greatly suffer thereby — for by now she had lost all confidence that anything she might say would alter the course of things — that crisis which was privately her own would remain for ever unresolved .
26 The marriage she had assumed naïvely would be the end of every serious relationship now seemed a very distant — if not unreachable — shore .
27 ‘ I pwesume , ’ said Percy Makepeace , ‘ you think that would be the end of Burleigh . ’
28 ‘ I think it would be the end of Crumwallis at Burleigh . ’
29 It would be the end of summer in Australia , and people would be longing for the winter .
30 Well , it would be the end of her career and of Harold 's .
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