Example sentences of "there had been a " in BNC.

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1 Already in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , there had been a powerful alignment between rural cultural ethics and church teaching .
2 If an effective will to de-alienate Northern protestants in their attitudes to the republic existed , and if there had been a real change in the Irish catholic hierarchy 's position on such matters , then they would indeed have taken positive steps to support FitzGerald 's attempt to introduce such constitutional changes .
3 There had been a rash of petty thefts in the hotel and we were all warned to be vigilant .
4 The DTI statement was made after the brewers had agreed to arbitration for their tenants — see page 11 — and some commentators claimed that there had been a trade-off .
5 If there had been a bolt on my belay at Swanage it would not have been an environmental disaster .
6 The professionalized academic critic wanted to forget that there had been a time when criticism was part of literature ; and the belief that criticism or theory could be literature in themselves was perhaps part of the process of exorcizing other values and attitudes .
7 However , it emerged last night that a reporter from London Weekend Television unwittingly tipped off residents about the raid when he phoned contacts on the estate to ask if there had been a raid — before it had actually happened .
8 Mr Meacher said provided there had been a majority ballot decision trade unions must have the full protection of the law to pursue a lawful trade dispute .
9 This would stop the slaughter of the flock until there had been a full hearing in the High Court , according to Mr Richard North , an environmental health officer and technical adviser to the United Kingdom Egg Producers ' Association , which is backing the nuns .
10 One senior source said : ‘ Clearly if there had been a fundamental disagreement ( between the Prime Minister and the Chancellor ) then the Government would n't have raised interest rates . ’
11 Chief Supt Ian Herd , head of territorial operations within the Metropolitan Police , said that , given changes in technology and equipment , there had been a clear need to review policies which involve local emergency services responding to an incident and police co-ordinating operations .
12 The nature of the court 's work There had been a tendency largely to disregard applications as being incidental to the main task of deciding appeals and as not significant in themselves .
13 Jock laughingly informed me that when he had arrived in the area there had been a short quiet spell .
14 There had been a lot of activity in and around Brigade H.Q It appears that the enemy in front of the Commando positions has started to pull out , possibly due to the Allied advance in the Caen area about ten miles from here .
15 For a month there had been a damaging public dispute between Mr Heseltine , who backed a European Consortium bid to link with Westland , the British helicopter company , and Mr Brittan , the Trade and Industry minister , who favoured an American bid .
16 By 1979 , however , the survey found that there had been a major shift in support for privatization and public opinion remained in favour of further privatization in 1983 , and probably reflected a positive response to the Thatcher policies .
17 Although there had been a 6 per cent swing from ‘ right ’ to ‘ left ’ between the two elections the former were still in a clear majority .
18 There had been a time , a brief time , a glorious dawn , when despite her growing awareness of her own sexual failure , despite her anger and frustration , despite her own laziness and lack of commitment , there had been a time when she had been happy and hopeful and joyous .
19 There had been a time , a brief time , a glorious dawn , when despite her growing awareness of her own sexual failure , despite her anger and frustration , despite her own laziness and lack of commitment , there had been a time when she had been happy and hopeful and joyous .
20 Caught in an eddy of storm , she had feared herself falling ; and then between her and the ground below there had been a stillness .
21 During the years of World War N and for some time afterwards there had been a heavy demand for commercial and military explosives but by 1960 when Haslam was made personnel director of the Nobel Division of ICI the demand , particularly for military explosives , had dropped dramatically .
22 They believed that there had been a stage when there was no individual property ; that is , when no ownership continued beyond the time of use .
23 Rather there had been a subtle unravelling of what had once been a more integrated pattern of recreation .
24 In the pocket also there had been a clean handkerchief with a small card caught between its folds .
25 Also there had been a note of incredulity in Vigo 's voice as if he marvelled at such an old goose begetting a swan .
26 Just once there had been a fight but as the then leader of the Louts had , unwittingly , taken on a junior boxing champion , he had ceased appearing .
27 Initially there had been a substantial market for British films in the US , where demand remained for some time ahead of the production levels achieved by American filmmakers .
28 The music panellist said : ‘ If there had been a full panel meeting and if we had known certain things which were kept from us the decision might have been different .
29 Romania 's Interior Minister said yesterday there had been a counter-revolutionary plot by pro-Ceausescu forces but the situation was now stable despite sporadic shooting in the capital and other towns .
30 There had been a house here before , built by the Pagets on land they had bought from Burton Abbey .
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