Example sentences of "would [adv] [adv] say " in BNC.

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1 Ronnie wants to put the whole incident behind him and would rather not say any more .
2 Tales , too , of his prowess at cricket — " More long than stop " — and his magic rhyme which he would only ever say twice to any one person .
3 I would much rather say that every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you , the part of you that chooses , into something a little different from what it was before .
4 They could go into land without asking permission and farmers would not even say a word , but that has been upset now .
5 For those reasons as I , have I , hoped made plain , it seems to me that the general scheme provided by Mrs is the one that ought to be adopted , however in my view when Mrs also makes provision for a second carer for some three hours a day that is well over egging the pudding , if I may adopt a phrase used by Mr at one stage during the case , I feel sure that in practice the two resident carers would not simply say well I 'm on duty from eight am on Monday till twelve midday on Thursday and I shall do nothing during the rest of the week , I think that living in the household for , at
6 When Manuel gave his reply he would often just say , ‘ Yes ! ’
7 I would far rather say , if I had the seven thousand pounds , say to both my daughters there you are dears , there 's the seven thousand pounds you decide how much of that you want for your wedding what is left over you keep , and it would be interesting to find out how much they then spent on their photographers , and on their cake , and the , the wedding cars etcetera .
8 I , I would n't honestly say that it , he did it deliberately to be honest .
9 I 'm sorry I know Andy would n't normally say things like that .
10 I would n't normally say anything like this but having drawn 4 out of our last 5 games then I ca n't even see us qualifying for europe anymore .
11 I would n't normally say anything like this but having drawn 4 out of our last 5 games then I ca n't even see us qualifying for europe anymore .
12 Yeah but in an exercise like this you 're thinking when they 're saying that , Oh I would n't normally say that .
13 I would n't exactly say a lady of leisure
14 She ignored Eleanor completely and would n't even say ‘ Allo ’ .
15 Anna : I would n't even say no to school stew .
16 Anyway he says he 'd pay him the same money as what he 's on there , 'cos he 'd have to really , would n't just say , say
17 And he listened , he would n't really say what he had been doing , but later he showed me some of the things he 'd done in the Hebrides .
18 I would n't actually say that you know , one has got to suffer unduly , but I think we do have to be very , very careful that we do n't just play into the hands of the drug manufacturers !
19 Well I would n't actually say nobody 's excited about it I mean I think that the way these things happen is that they they 're gradual rather than er
20 Now at this juncture here you would n't actually say what products you 're gon na do , cos you 're not gon na go back and say well I 'm thinking of er two hundred thousand pounds of convertible term assurance and we 're looking personal pension plan , but you 'll tell the guy you 're gon na go back to the branch , we 've got a variety of different things sir and what I wan na do is to go back to the branch and work on one or two ideas for you and then present them to you at some time in the future .
21 I would n't quite say that .
22 She would simply not say another word on the subject .
23 My hon. Friend would then understandably say , ’ How does it come about , then , that North Devon health authority finds itself in the position that it does on this referral ? ’
24 But no one would actually ever say such a thing .
25 Erm , funnily enough earlier on in August , erm , I rang you up about Yugoslavia , and er , I , one of the reasons that I gave for not , the Europeans , not intervening in Yugoslavia was my fear that it might lead to the Russian military unseating Gorbachev and my , er , discard that the , the sick man of Russia , so erm , sort of parallel I , well I would n't parallel it with Yugoslavia , my argument in Yugoslavia was that we should n't intervene because we do not have primary interests with , I mean , well we clearly have general interest but we do n't have primary interest , additionally in Russia is that everybody , in the world have interest but I would definitely here say that Britain should clearly do nothing per .
26 I would never ever say though .
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