Example sentences of "would [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The High Street was bedecked with strings of coloured light bulbs and skeletal Christmas trees which would spring to life at dusk .
2 She was certain his faith would be infectious ; that , like maternal love being born fiercely with the baby , her belief would spring to life with marriage .
3 It will be positioned to appeal to a wide range of shavers including ‘ other systems users , users of twin disposables dry shavers who would prefer to wet-shave and younger shavers ’ , says marketing manager Steve Griffin .
4 Erm something else that would relate to number of children , adults is also the age .
5 Due to some mechanical fault the driver did not think that the northbound unit would make it to Crewe and he would endeavour to coast it back to Swansea .
6 When asked if it was the Ministry 's intention to sell the aircraft in an airworthy condition , the spokesman explained that the aircraft was airworthy , but felt there was a good chance it may well go to a museum who would want to road the airframe away .
7 And this means , by MP , that no non-observational sentence has a meaning all its own ; for there is no such thing as the difference its truth would make to observation .
8 I mean are you saying Mr in actual fact if we take the reverse of what you what you said that the the M A F F establishment itself would would object to development being within a certain distance of its premises because of the requirements which they have in order to carry on their operations ?
9 If we assume no tax being paid on earnings , but paid instead on spending , few of us would object to VAT on general goods being increased .
10 Erm er so er you know it may be that you would need to work , and I 'm sure they would probably expect you to have worked with offenders erm
11 This tale of developers who never learn would appeal to Bank of England Governor Robin Leigh Pemberton , who warned in May 1987 about too much property lending .
12 Other areas ( or " dominoes " ) in South-East Asia would fall to communism , thereby adding to the credibility of the claims of communists that history was on their side .
13 Perhaps some asteroid , nudged out of its place in the great gravitational gavotte , would fall to Earth ; a bullet into a face , obliterating .
14 ‘ No , ’ Rain agreed , ‘ and putting him behind bars would bring to light the reason for the murder .
15 He was also aware that constant allusions to the awful consequences of not keeping the lid screwed down would bring to heel , like so many Pavlovian dogs , those within his own camp who hankered after some form of leadership other than his .
16 In Whitaker 's eyes the suffix Who in the Doctor 's title would refer to mystery rather than amnesia .
17 So he settled for a secure telephone call , indifferent to what that would do to Maxim 's reputation among the Defence Staff at the embassy .
18 Why does he not acknowledge what the £6 billion-worth of cuts in defence would do to employment ?
19 Why does he not acknowledge what the impact of his tax on savings would do to investment ?
20 The aetiology of hypertriglyceridaemia in Type I diabetics subsequently controlled and established on insulin is less clear but would appear to centre round the control and activity of lipoprotein lipase .
21 The views of the Foreign , Commonwealth Relations , and Colonial Offices were sought on the security of tenure that British forces were likely to enjoy in territories East of Suez ; but in the late 1950s there was no consensus on the probable speed with which Britain 's dependent territories would advance to independence .
22 Lee Jang-lim , 46 , said the faithful would ascend to heaven in a ‘ rapture ’ on October 28 as Armageddon struck the world .
23 Information was sought also about the relationship of topic work to the rest of the curriculum , about the selection of topics or themes , about teachers ' criteria for judging whether topics were successful , and about the advice they would give to student teachers about to tackle project work .
24 As a whole the season had not brought a successful fishing , which , sad to relate , would condemn to bachelorhood for another year many Lewismen who waited a successful season to enable them to begin life in partnership with a fisher lass .
25 Having set up his kingdom Christ would withdraw to heaven , returning at the end of the thousand years .
26 I would freeze to death this night unless I had some warmth .
27 It was known that Implexion had been responsible for the dissolution of many sects in Gleberune , and that he would resort to violence if his injunctions were not obeyed .
28 STAFF at Drummond House are being invited to say why they would like to lunch with the Queen when she opens the building on 2 July .
29 I would like to year from any readers who are developing or have developed local codes .
30 I am now writing to confirm that we would like to film at Jodrell Bank on the afternoon of Wednesday 14 June .
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