Example sentences of "would [verb] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 In a typical 16th century English charter party the owner of the vessel acknowledged , directly or through the ship 's master , that : 1 ) he had let the ship and promised to prepare it , by a fixed date , to take in the goods provided by the charterer ; 2 ) the ship would sail with the first convenient wind to the stipulated port ; 3 ) in accordance with a receipt or bill of lading he would deliver the goods in good condition to the designated person ; 4 ) the ship would remain at that port for a fixed period to take in such goods as the charter party nominee party needed to reload , and that the ship would then return to the port of origin , and deliver the reloaded goods in good condition ; and 5 ) the crew would be as described , and would be furnished with the proper gear .
2 She would remain like that for a while , lost in her own little world , completely unaware of his presence .
3 How many stepmothers would think of that ?
4 ‘ I 'll be damned , ’ he said to himself ‘ I wonder what Irina would think of that ! ’
5 stated that it was nice to hear from the USA , and emphasised that there it took four years to qualify as an embalmer and wondered what students would think of that .
6 I mean , I do n't know what people would think of that .
7 they would think like that probably the motorcycle and erm for in compulsory helmet wear .
8 The bruised executives of British Coal would testify to that after their run-in over the coal contract which ended up in court .
9 So when , if , if you were to come to sell your residence , they would knock off that proportion of the total er er which could in fact give rise to a small capital gain depending on how the er how you sold , because you might sell it at a loss .
10 As D Ltd has surplus FII , no ACT would arise in that company , and A Ltd 's surplus ACT would be recovered by offset of the FII from D Ltd .
11 A number of criteria would relate to that and we we simply , it is n't appropriate I know , sir , to go into the detail of that , but I I postulate briefly certain questions .
12 Just think what the newspapers would make of that ! ’
13 See what Colin would make of that .
14 Okay what would make of that ?
15 But it had been fixed for days in its usual place and she was sure they would make for that .
16 ‘ Yes , but how did he know they would stay on that course ? ’
17 ‘ The Water Board would behave like that ? ’
18 ‘ No good , respectable woman would behave like that , ’ he replied .
19 Nobody would behave like that .
20 What sort of a person did it make Alain when he would behave like that because he had suffered a frustrating evening .
21 Now if I give you an example of a bit of behaviour where erm a situation and , and er give you an idea of how introverts and extroverts would behave in that area , that may help you to work out which you think you are .
22 Judging by the sense of humour evident in the other series lining the opposite wall where male models/friends are portrayed sporting dresses , I would n't have thought the artist would object to that label too strongly .
23 ‘ VAT at the full rate would act on that terrain like fiscal napalm . ’
24 A representative person is one who will act in a given situation in much the same way as those he represents would act in that same situation .
25 Beyond it , the mild night sky was busy with lights arrowing down into National airport and jinking up away from it , following the curls of the river so that if one fell , it would fall into that .
26 Of course they 're all putting their hands up by me see , and Da , I thought David would clock , and he never said a word , I thought he ai n't sussed it , anyway they went on this night out and the girls kept saying , Debbie saying oh Lynn just come , I said I ai n't got no intentions of coming , I said David 's going amongst all the others I 'm not going , so Debbie said why , I said why because David is nothing but a wanker , a lot , along , a lot of the others , she said , she nearly fell off the chair , gordon bennett she said I never thought you , I never realised you felt like that , I said Debbie if you knew half of what I thought you would fall off that chair
27 The Grand Army would fall upon that weakness , and smash through .
28 However it was realised that upon the accession of the UK to the EC a disproportionate financing burden would fall upon that country .
29 The most startling yarn was that of Zhang Quo Zhi , who enjoyed a lifestyle which , if you did know better , you would describe as that of a successful capitalist .
30 She would concentrate on that .
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