Example sentences of "would [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Kinship , they believed , would contrast with the relations of production found in capitalist systems .
2 Ironically it was the former Labour prime minister Clement Attlee who persuaded Parliament to spend £2 million for a new royal yacht , claiming it would double as a hospital ship in war time .
3 Meanwhile , the BBC SSO is holding fire on balloting its members until it receives more information about the merger to create a National Orchestra of Scotland , which would double as the orchestra for both the BBC and SO .
4 If current trends continued unchecked , they foresaw that the amount of carbon dioxide ( CO2 — the most important " greenhouse gas " ) in the atmosphere would double by the year 2030 ; global temperatures would rise by 1o-2o centigrade by 2030 and by 2o-4o centigrade by 2050 , while sea levels would rise by around 30 cm by 2030 .
5 Although it was possible that the site 's nuclear capacity would double in the future , there was no chance of a third power station .
6 I should be glad if Mr Henderson , USA , would transmit to the Shah the following observation of a general character which I believe is correct and in accordance with democratic principles .
7 Then you would remain as a group and could observe your own customs , those which do not conflict with our law . ’
8 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
9 It had been expected that a limited corp of staff would remain as a support unit after the last aircraft departs in January .
10 Industrial manufacture would remain as the basic technique of production in the society which would replace capitalism .
11 Before long all that would remain of The Haven would be yet another pile of rubble .
12 ‘ I wish you would remain under the protection of my men .
13 The rest — industrial chemicals , explosives , materials and paints would remain under the ICI umbrella .
14 Galileo did have the insight to perceive that the effect was probably the same as that when a drop of water would remain on a cabbage leaf .
15 The US Representative for Trade Negotiations , Carla Hills , announced on April 28 , 1990 , that under Section 301 of the US Trade Act Thailand would remain on a priority watch list of countries which had not made enough progress in improving intellectual property protection .
16 She established herself firmly in her parents ' house once again , with the addition of her daughter , and decided that , as she did not appear at her very best when moving due to her injury , she would remain on a sofa all the time .
17 Despite French apprehension , West Germany also became a member of N.A.T.O. , in 1954 , on the understanding that both British and U.S.A. forces would remain on the European continent for an unlimited time .
18 The overhead wires were extended from the South Metropolitan side to just beyond the change point , making a section of dual equipped road , on which through cars would use the overhead wires and cars terminating would remain on the conduit .
19 He would remain on the sidelines , and do some more work if and when they were ready to launch the paper .
20 It was to ensure that throughout the years that lay ahead he would remain on the road .
21 He proposed a reduction in the State President 's powers , and reaffirmed that while the Separate Amenities Act would be repealed in 1990 , and the Group Areas Act replaced with a non-discriminatory law the following year , other apartheid legislation would remain on the statute book until a new constitution was drawn up .
22 Sub-units of the regular army would remain on the border between the two republics , but would not contain Armenian troops .
23 It came on a day of positive signs for the British economy , with the Bank of England saying it thought inflation would remain below the Government 's target of 4 per cent for the next two years , and cautious indications of a pick-up in high street spending .
24 Obviously , the council would exist to carry out functions on behalf of the Secretary of State , but the duty would remain with the Secretary of State .
25 — The hon. Gentleman is making the political point that if the SNP had 72 Scottish Members of Parliament as he posits , sovereignty would remain with the House , but the House would conclude that the Act of Union was no longer sustainable .
26 US officials stressed that the procedure did not amount to censorship , since the ultimate decision on publication or transmission would remain with the originating reporter 's news organization .
27 Under the revised proposals multiparty transitional councils would be appointed by CODESA during the first phase to oversee regional and local government , finance and multiracial elections ; ultimate responsibility would remain with the NP government .
28 Until it was developed , prawn hatcheries would remain at the mercy of factors beyond their control .
29 The application of community sanctions would remain at the discretion of sentencers , though there would then be a price to be paid in terms of consistency of application .
30 Greenpeace workers had begun packaging the 425 tonnes of waste , dumped in the Sibiu area of central Romania , for safe transport back to Germany and said they would remain at the site until the transport promised by German Environment Minister Klaus Töpfer arrived .
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