Example sentences of "would [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Morton saw that Leonard and Mrs Cohen were very close , and nothing emphasised this more than her willingness to take them and their friends out for meals , especially to a favourite Greek restaurant where she would be the life of the party , not least in singing , and encouraged by good wine which the restaurateur would ply them with in order to get the mood of the evening going .
2 Every hour the assistant on duty had to read the instruments , make a note of the wind speed and direction , the visibility , the cloud , precipitation ( if any ) , and whether the barometer was rising or falling , and then stand by to teletype the details in code to Group Headquarters , who in turn would transmit it to Bomber Command .
3 The boy was pictured in a stilled movement that clearly represented the brief moment before he reached out and reached down to pluck the flower , a movement which would topple him over the edge to certain death .
4 The expectation was that IBM Corp would throw everything including the kitchen sink into its fiscal first quarter figures in order to give Louis Gerstner as clean a platform as possible on which to build — but the company unaccountably dressed the figures up a little , by taking a $95m tax credit in the quarter , without which the net loss would have been $380m ; interest charges in the first quarter declined by 12.5% to $305m .
5 ‘ We thought that they would throw everything at us from the start , ’ said Andy Probert , 38 , the Cambridge cox — and so it proved .
6 ‘ With one bound I would throw myself on the large white bearskin , which I adored , and cover its great head with kisses . ’
7 The patient is moved forward in the chair , and he holds his hands clasped together , to avoid the temptation of pushing himself off his chair , or pulling onto the other chair , which would throw him off balance and increase his spasticity .
8 It made sense to assume that Yuan and Zukov would throw themselves to the right of the line of fire , but he did not wait for them to act .
9 By day Hayling would help organize the workers at Langley , and in the evenings he would throw himself into pressure-group work .
10 What safety they offered was debatable , but if worst came to worst he would throw himself beneath a car , and deny the voiders the entertainment of his slow demise .
11 It was the Richard Branson that would throw anybody in a swimming-pool — literally and metaphorically — often forgetful of the cost , be it of a junior employee 's ruined wristwatch or an editor 's dignity ( the watch could be paid for afterwards : dignity was harder to repair ) ; the Richard Branson that , when playing wicket-keeper in a company cricket match , would tie cotton round the bails and then ‘ when the batsman has been in long enough ’ yank them off with a roar of laughter , all the more resounding for the look of fury on the fallguy 's face .
12 She would look all right and would throw herself into the dancing with undisciplined enthusiasm .
13 Alternatively , they are matters together with those specifically mentioned below which would influence me against granting an injunction .
14 If you were considering ( either by yourself or with others ) taking over the Blue Parrot , what factors would influence you in deciding which form of business organization to select ?
15 If you were considering ( either by yourself or with others ) taking over the Blue Parrot , what factors would influence you in deciding which form of business organization to select ?
16 The factors which would influence you in deciding on the form of business include :
17 One would think something like that would stand out in her mind . ’
18 ‘ The sort who would think nothing of putting their rubbish out on the side of the road , ’ as one observer noted , ‘ but who still feel very strongly indeed that there should be no goldmining here .
19 And if he lived on the other side of the world she would think nothing of flying to meet him , she said .
20 Many candidates would think nothing of taking advantage of headhunters by accepting a free overseas trip and free entertainment such as drinks , lunch or dinner , whilst having no intention whatsoever of changing jobs .
21 In their present mood people would think nothing of mortgaging themselves for years ahead in order to acquire some trifling luxury like a jar of brandied peaches or a few leaves of tobacco .
22 But nobody would think anything of it .
23 " You would think anyone in that state would have been clever enough , sensible enough , to get out of line . "
24 ‘ You would think someone with her background would know better , ’ said Lewis .
25 Who would think it of Cook 's .
26 Perhaps if he wrecked the thermostat , someone would think it worth putting a little pressure on their British friends .
27 She very much doubted that when she got home , if she ever did , she would think it worth asking her mother .
28 Sebastian 's driver would deliver me to him .
29 And Ximena 's heart failed her , and she asked the Cid if peradventure God would deliver him from these enemies .
30 Under the terms of the truce and the modifications agreed to it on 27 June , the siege of Quimperlé would be lifted , Duke John would withdraw his army from Brittany , Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte would be handed over to papal mediators who would deliver it to the King of France when the truce expired , and the English would receive 40,000 francs in compensation .
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