Example sentences of "would [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The health of the industry in the longer term , and hence the degree of independence Britain would attain in military aircraft production , would depend on the outcome .
2 The number of council house owners in Darlington would double under new Conservative plans , Mr Fallon said this week .
3 In order to head off conflict with Ghana over the replacement , assurances were later given that Quainoo would remain as overall commander , with Dogonyaro in charge of field operations .
4 They signed a declaration which ( i ) stated that the CIS was open to all former Soviet states and any other countries which shared its objectives ; ( ii ) stated that strategic forces would remain under unified control ; ( iii ) confirmed co-operation on a single economic space ; and ( iv ) stated that member states of the CIS undertook to honour the international obligations of the former Soviet Union .
5 Indeed it would not be too much to say that neither woman ever really got over it ; a day before the wedding he had written to Mary Trevelyan , expressing the hope that she would remain on friendly terms both with him and his new wife , but the old intimacy had necessarily gone for ever .
6 The decree exempted a list of raw and construction materials and production and technical goods , which would remain at fixed prices .
7 And she believed the whales would remain at Laspi Bay at least for the summer , and had not heard of the widely criticised plans to take them on a travelling display .
8 The other potential problem was what would happen to Gloucester 's authority after the young king 's coronation , but even this seems to have been settled to the duke 's advantage and John Russell , in his draft speech for the opening of parliament , assumed that Gloucester would remain in overall control — although he clearly also felt that this was a departure from precedent which needed to be justified .
9 The other potential problem was what would happen to Gloucester 's authority after the young king 's coronation , but even this seems to have been settled to the duke 's advantage and John Russell , in his draft speech for the opening of parliament , assumed that Gloucester would remain in overall control — although he clearly also felt that this was a departure from precedent which needed to be justified .
10 Muslim minorities would remain in Croat-governed provinces if the plan were carried out .
11 His team went further in hoping that only a quarter of total investment would remain in private hands .
12 One eighteenth-century author , E. Smith , whose Complete Housewife , published in 1727 , was also the first cookery book to be printed in America , claimed that her Everlasting Syllabubs would remain in perfect condition for nine or ten days , although at their best after three or four .
13 On June 25 , UK Prime Minister John Major said that UK forces would remain in northern Iraq until the Kurdish population received assurances guaranteeing their safety .
14 The Honey Thieves are a band who would graduate with flying colours from such a straight-forward system of appraisal .
15 This could cause problems with volume contracts , but particular problems would arise with cost-per-case contracts .
16 Integration does not yield the outcome which would arise under complete contracts .
17 All of us would arise in due course like Venus from the waves — shining , lovely , renewed , with sharp neat cuts , elegant waves or subtle highlights — or so we hoped ; it was an act of faith .
18 In a subsequent discussion on 23 March , MacArthur advocated an early peace conference despite the problems that would arise from Soviet obstruction .
19 Trade in goods would arise from broad specialization of the ‘ workshop of the world ’ type , for example exporting manufactures and importing primary goods .
20 The community facilities would range from ordinary houses to group homes and hostels .
21 This would range from total recovery to the maintenance of a vegetative status quo .
22 More sober advocates are content to imply that in Britain a Conservative constituency party would field a wet , a damp and a dry candidate , whilst Labour candidates would range from deep crimson to shell pink , and the Liberal Democrats would presumably run at least one ex-Liberal and one ex-SDP candidate .
23 Every time she walked by , children would rush to far corners of the playground shouting ‘ Agh !
24 It was suggested that " such units should be part of the psychiatric service and would compare with continuing care units ' of the geriatric service . "
25 None the less war was coming increasingly to be regarded as a form of activity to be carried out by the whole community , which would endeavour in common , under the leadership of the king , to defend its honour and safety .
26 If the Commons defence committee thinks the government may have gone too far in defence cuts , I wonder what it would make of Labour and Liberal Democrat policies .
27 Towards the end of our conversation he asked me what use I would make of documented evidence that the Japs in Burma had a far-reaching plan to destroy the Buddhist system of monasteries and monks .
28 In 1973 I started investigating what difference the uncertainty principle would make to black holes .
29 When it was first mooted that maybe a team of Tropical Plants staff would make for good television on Busman 's Holiday , several folk were keen to take part .
30 The potential cost of older patients , and the demands they would make on cash-limited budgets , would be obvious disincentives .
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