Example sentences of "would [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , one would exhort those workers who are conscious of the problems for their residents and would help them if they could to do their best — within the law and within the limits of their own conscience — to mend the situation in their own particular place of work if mending is needed there .
2 Stressing CCETSW 's target annual figure would remain 5,000 students , she said evidence showed that some qualified social workers were losing out to other professional groups in the race for care management posts .
3 If we had stuck with the fair rates policy the vast majority of people in Britain might have been able to bear that price and public services would remain public services , not sacrificial lambs on the altar of the ideology of the Conservative party .
4 Moreover , to close all nuclear power stations would consign 100,000 workers to the dole queues .
5 Moreover , whereas a lava flow-front would have half buried any pre-existing craters a low-angle thrust fault would intersect such craters , as observed on Mercury .
6 I 've got stories : equipment getting trashed , feet through speakers , Ginger would throw lighted cigarettes in my hair !
7 Well I 'd like to say to that that er no Marx did n't specifically erm erm look to Britain or er Germany , only in the sense that they , at the time most advanced and he , he reckoned that er ideas of communism would spread only in the most advanced countries who in course of time would influence other countries .
8 To hear some people talk , you would think such things are all in a jumbled undifferentiated past , much as the Louis XIV 's palace of Versailles with its real hall of mirrors now also houses Jacques-Louis David 's massive celebrations of Napoleon and of the revolution which brought down the Bourbons .
9 However , it is also the basis for our belief that improving the pedestrian 's lot would deliver great benefits to an enormously large number of consumers .
10 New members would stress social reasons for joining .
11 Social expectations would cover all circumstances and problems perfectly .
12 A proposal for an international forest convention , which would cover all types of forest and lay down uniform standards , was favoured by the north but strongly opposed by the south .
13 Category D , carrying a maximum penalty of five years ' imprisonment , would cover indecent assaults not involving penetration .
14 Plus you can add on Family Legal Protection ( which would cover legal expenses in certain circumstances ) .
15 The reserved area , on the other hand , would cover domestic letters — both private and business — subject to certain limits defined in terms of weight and price .
16 Most people have at least two sails so they can windsurf in fresher winds , but a choice of three such as a 5.7 , 4.7 , and 3.7 sq m would cover most conditions .
17 The basic offence would cover amateur hackers who access systems for fun and would be intended to act as a general deterrent to all types of hacking .
18 Category B , carrying a maximum penalty of 14 years ’ imprisonment , would cover sexual assaults involving penetration accompanied by the infliction of actual bodily harm on the complainant or a third party ; a threat to inflict such harm with a weapon upon the complainant or a third party ; a threat to inflict such harm upon a child ; and the participation of more than one defendant in the sexual assault .
19 That maybe the idea , but there are so many things to be done by voluntary workers if people would only say well I 've got half an hour an hour it could be so much of an advantage to whoever they 're giving their services to because we 're having to cut costs on this and costs on that an hour or two given voluntary would cover those jobs that we ca n't get the money to pay for .
20 Criminalising them would cover trivial matters , such as neighbours quarrelling over a lawnmower .
21 Whereas conventional economic theory predicted that a change to flexible exchange rates would eliminate financial crises and allow markets to ease and soften adjustment to change , the opposite happened .
22 erm people were starting to move out , and I think that , I think quite a lot of people , well although they 'd had a lot of information from the Local Authority , were still very unsure about how that would affect other benefits , in particular supplementary benefits , and single payments , and that , that , grants for , for the furniture , that kind of thing .
23 It is not clear why : a pH change would affect other creatures and a few bales of straw are unlikely to affect the natural buffering action of the large amount of silt and decaying plant material already present .
24 You have to consider its results as they would affect all classes of the community , and the principles that underlie it , and you have to consider whether the people of this country have been consulted with regard to it .
25 However , the importance of the group is often measured by the number or helplessness of the people dependent on such services and the degree to which they are affected , for example we can all fall ill and a strike of doctors would affect all classes , rich and poor , young and old alike .
26 Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general , thereby affecting weather and climate .
27 If you do decide to do this and are in receipt of housing benefit , a widow 's or supplementary pension , you must find out first whether having a lodger would affect these benefits .
28 Women 's moral reasoning is more ‘ relational ’ : they tend to think about how a decision would affect particular persons in a concrete situation , and make their choices accordingly .
29 As well as challenging the justification for piecemeal projects at a local level , especially where they would affect designated landscapes , we believe we need to develop a strategic overview of transport policy in Wales , questioning the present approach and proposing less environmentally damaging alternatives .
30 He announced that the USA would be sending Greece surplus tanks and artillery and would lease two frigates to the navy .
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