Example sentences of "would [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hence , it was believed , the economy would attain maximum growth , to the benefit of all : hard work , self-reliance and respectability — which were in theory demanded of all , including employers — would benefit both rich and poor , morally and materially .
2 The system was seen to benefit the Soviet Union , whose oil and gas exports to Eastern Europe would attain high market prices .
3 ‘ And you would override that belief ? ’
4 This offers 35 slots for now but there are plans to upgrade to a model 580 that would double this number .
5 Yugoslavia would remain official chair , but had asked to be relieved of its practical duties in view of the civil war .
6 The remainder of Nunavut would remain federal crown land , and the Inuit would be eligible to receive a portion of any future resource royalties .
7 Was it right for me to assume that I would remain senior partner until retirement ?
8 Mrs Lynda Chalker , who lost her Wallasey seat to Labour , said yesterday she was delighted that she would remain Overseas Development Minister .
9 He walked around the table now in an exaggerated pose , and Harry , laughing , said , ‘ If it was n't for spoiling Aunt Ellen 's work I would throw that centrepiece at you . ’
10 It was hoped that such a survey would throw some light on the contemporary landscape in the late Saxon period and perhaps locate earthworks associated with the early monastery .
11 The problems experienced by United Motors at its Dublin plant , which the Englishman advised were the major factors which would influence future investment decisions in Ireland , simply melted away into insignificance under their mellifluous tongues .
12 I bet my Gran would outdo any King 's Kid anyday !
13 The way people talk about faith , you would think that rationality , inquiry , investigation , understanding and proof had all joined hands to form a circle of knowledge , leaving faith outside in the cold .
14 ‘ I can imagine you would think that way . ’
15 I would think that distance
16 The best part of Nineteen Eighty-Four , he told Orwell in his letter of July 1949 , announcing his visit , was ‘ the delicious conversation in the pub when Winston tries to pump the old man for memories of pre-revolutionary days ’ , and one might easily have guessed that Waugh would think that episode the best .
17 It would incapacitate German submarine bases in the west ; restore to Belgium her occupied territory , thereby depriving Germany of a prime bargaining asset at a future peace conference ; and disrupt German communications to the Western Front from their depots in the lower Rhineland .
18 Its role is to develop initiatives which would aid independent living .
19 Neither she nor Aunt Tossie , sitting there in dignified order , could foresee that the memory to be implanted would not be of the rare perfection of each course , but of a social mishap , a horror that would engross unbelieving attention and sear its recollection , like a scar , into Nicandra 's loving .
20 Against the historical unification we would stress that sex is relational , is shaped in social interaction , and can only be understood in its historical context , in terms of the cultural meanings assigned to it , and in terms of the internal , subjective meanings of the sexed individuals that emerge .
21 The decentralized Evans model underestimates the amount of material which lies unused in departments for long periods of the year and which might be of value to another discipline , or to a pupil in the enquiry mode ; it certainly contains no element which would stress interdisciplinary thinking , inter.departmental cooperation or the sharing of acquisitions and experience .
22 It recommended that Section 2 be replaced by a new Act that would define more narrowly the information that was to be protected ; restricted categories would cover confidential material about defence , foreign affairs and currency reserves , information concerning law enforcement and information provided for the government by an individual or private concern .
23 I would hiss back that the former would cover either situation , whereupon he would advance with a broad smile .
24 The Act does not define what actually constitutes an artistic work , though it is generally accepted that it would cover any product made by an artist or craftsperson , which is normally unique , hand-made and makes a personal expressive statement .
25 It is wide enough to be liberally interpreted and would cover pregnancy-related illness , miscarriages and abortions .
26 workshop and they would cover this board with woodcuttings like s what we call spills .
27 But the commission accepts that since the simple offence would cover deliberate foolishness which caused cost and inconvenience but which did not damage property or seek dishonest gain , the penalty should be modest and limited to a maximum of three months ' imprisonment .
28 An experienced maritime law practitioner has suggested that a charter party bill accompanied by a ‘ Master 's ’ bill of lading showing freight paid or prepaid would eliminate this uncertainty .
29 We can not suppose , however , that discrimination training is quite without effect — to do so would eliminate any possibility of explaining why acquired distinctiveness training should be superior to acquired equivalence training in producing differentiation .
30 Finance Ministers of the Group of 24 ( G-24 ) developing countries met on Sept. 19 , urging the West " to provide adequate financial flows … to improve their prospects of sustainable growth " , and reportedly expressing concern that the preoccupation of the richer nations with the currency crisis would affect future aid flows .
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