Example sentences of "all who [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes thought to be the souls of unbaptised children and unrepentant sinners , their bloodcurdling howls were an omen of death to all who heard them .
2 An incisive and eloquent speaker , she spoke with her mind , her heart , her guts , her soul , clearly and directly and she touched all who heard her .
3 To all who heard it — even if they did not understand the full depths of the resonance he intended — Edwin Frere 's first Christmas sermon to the congregation of Munding St Mary 's was clearly an inspired delivery .
4 Over the months of her battle with lung cancer her unfailing humour and concern that others should be able to handle her illness without awkwardness were an example to all who knew her .
5 The next year , to the dismay of all who knew her , Victoria altered .
6 The examination papers written in Victoria 's large , even script were considered adequate ; her interview was unexceptional , although the examiners at Girton College recognised her at once as she had been universally described by all who knew her : an extremely pleasant girl of excellent character .
7 Megan 's vision of a more loving world touched all who knew her .
8 All who knew her felt this : she had cruel enemies , the mad , the diseased , the godless , the savage and the greedy hated her .
9 He seemed not to dislike her , which was odd since apart from him all who knew her were united in this emotion .
10 She was greatly loved by all who knew her and no matter how tired she felt or how troublesome people might be her children never heard her complain .
11 Her father , Earl Spencer , at that time Viscount Althorp , was the perfect gentleman to all who knew him , but not so gentlemanly behind closed doors .
12 ‘ Donald Templeton , ’ the vicar began , ‘ was a man loved , and I mean loved , by all who knew him . ’
13 A plaque to the memory of another William Paul ( 1844–1912 ) praising the Christian virtues of one who was ‘ beloved and trusted by all who knew him and who went about doing good ’ was erected in Edenderry Memorial Church ( now the Memorial Hall ) in 1913 , the Reverend George R Wedgewood , Superintendent of the Circuit and Vice-President of the Conference , presiding .
14 Through all his work as artist , printer , writer and craftsman comes the breath of another age , a quality felt by all who knew him .
15 After all , it was , if not the crux of the whole enterprise , an extremely important component , because his purpose in this was no eccentric whim but a sincere manifestation of the philosophy which had pervaded most of his adult life and which was clear to all who knew him — namely , the conservation of our precious resources .
16 He was remembered with great affection by all who knew him in the course of his short life .
17 A fellow publisher , Edward Marston , wrote : ‘ In business he was clear-headed , prompt , and decisive , and all who knew him would testify to his absolute straightforwardness and integrity .
18 Peter was not only a very able manager but a real friend and trusted colleague who will be most sadly missed by all who knew him and who all join together in sending Lynn , Neil and Joanne their deepest sympathy and support for the future .
19 George may have been small in stature , but he was a giant of a man to all who knew him .
20 The sympathy of all who knew him is extended to his wife Jean .
21 Alick will always be remembered and appreciated for his energy , enthusiasm , experience and encouragement by all who knew him .
22 I should become bad , selfish , a curse to myself and to all who knew me .
23 Her charms increased every day , not only in my eye but in the eyes of all who beheld her , for my mother took the greatest delight in her waiting maid .
24 For now , our thanks are due to all the members of the quality improvement teams , their leaders and all who assisted them in their goal of improving the quality of the way we conduct our business .
25 This service has been a boon to all who use it , pensioners , disabled and able-bodied residents .
26 However , the negotiations fell through and Stockwith mill remains in its natural , tranquil setting to delight all who visit it .
27 Shy Emma has won the hearts of all who know her in County Hall through her brave fight against the disease .
28 In leaner years , the branch might have folded without the hard work put in by Sam Parker , and the award of this certificate will be applauded by all who know him .
29 He is held in the highest esteem by all who know him .
30 ‘ As a man he was kind , genial and respected by all who know him .
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