Example sentences of "all [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whereupon the partying Ninevites , just like Jonah inside the whale , repented ; whereupon God decided after all to spare the city ; whereupon Jonah became incredibly irritated , which was only normal in one who 'd been put to a lot of trouble to bring the message of destruction , only for the Lord , despite a well-known , indeed historic taste for wrecking cities , to turn round and change his mind .
2 First of all to thank the officers for all their hard work especially those who er staying until half past eight , nine o'clock last night who tried to supervise .
3 First of all to thank the Surveyors ' Department for cooperation on various things that have taken place and where possible the altered or amended suggestions have gone in er themselves .
4 He struck his hands in his belt pulling back hi coat , allowing them all to see the butt of a revolver protruding from the inner pocket of his coat .
5 The transference which develops between the analyst and analysand aids the process by re-creating the early relationships between the individual and their parents , and enables the analyst first of all to see the projections of the analysand in this special setting .
6 All to hide the fact that either you can paint or you ca n't .
7 Carrithers states , ‘ My intention is not at all to replace the notion of culture , but to argue that sociality is a necessary precondition for the existence of culture . ’
8 Do you really think that the Jolly Green Giant puts the lights on at two o'clock in the morning and gets them all to pick the corn ?
9 The congress , held above all to counter the election challenge of the MMD , adopted a new manifesto which replaced the description " vanguard of revolutionary peasants and workers " with " party of all the Zambian people " .
10 MI5 have got no real reason at all to help the Met . ’
11 ‘ We have no grain at all to help the people who come .
12 Understandably , Tony O'Dalaigh is anxious that what he describes as the ‘ chaos with Archaos ’ does n't hang over reports of the 1991 Dublin Theatre Festival ‘ I would n't want it all to obscure the fact that in terms of the festival 's visibility and the people who turned up to see the shows we had the most successful festival in years .
13 To have heard Rachmaninov play hisown or any other Russian music or to listen to his orchestral works is to realise he was a passionate musician , loving his art and giving his all to express the joys and sorrows , the tender and brutal moods and all the emotions to which man is subject .
14 The BMC praised Land 's End reasonable attitude and thanked it again for allowing us all to use the car park .
15 And they 're all to put the person 's point of view .
16 It is first of all to understand the past : to reconstruct those forgotten norms , decode the obsolete rituals , and detect the hidden gestures ’ .
17 The place which seems above all to encapsulate the spirit of the Derwent Ings is Aughton church , standing alone in the marshlands , its churchyard lapped by floods each winter and haunted by the bubbling call of the curlew in spring .
18 Keen above all to protect the interests of the country 's farmers , and abandoning the doctrine of laissez faire in a period of crisis , parliament moved with alacrity to pass the Corn Law of 1815 .
19 Whatever the rights and wrongs of the matter medically speaking you 've no right at all to impugn the motives of a dedicated member of our community . "
20 However , it is important for us all to keep the matter in context .
21 Although it was decided after all to allow the continuation of school foundations , in many cases the continuity had already been lost ; and by 1550 , when the Court of Augmentations began to fund such foundations , the theory of English educational endowment had entered a new era .
22 And so , Pilate he tries to do this , he tries first of all to shift the responsibility , and he does it by different methods , first of all he sends into Herod , the king then he suggests that Barabbas should be released to the people , now however , both of these methods of shifting responsibility have failed and the ball is firmly back with Pilate .
23 Duran , in contrast , does need the fight — firstly to pay some tax debts , but above all to erase the memory of their last encounter .
24 The judge will go over the dog using his hands and eyes to look for any faults in conformation , but most of all to ascertain the virtues of the animal .
25 We shall love all men , not in weakness , not in sentimentality , but with the strong love that unites all to seek the good of each and the happiness of this whole country .
26 In this age of electricity and modern heating systems , there is no need at all to employ the sorts of numbers necessary even a generation ago .
27 He has since completed a splendid four-timer when making all to take the Group Two Richmond Stakes at Goodwood last week .
28 The contest forced all to copy the process in part or whole sooner or later ; State formation spread eastwards .
29 Edward early knew the deficiency of his letters to Hooton : ‘ It is a weariness to fumble for truth and completeness , and after all to feel the failure at both .
30 Each registered nurse , midwife and health visitor shall act , at all times , in such a manner as to justify public trust and confidence , to uphold and enhance the good standing and reputation of the profession , to serve the interests of society , and above all to safeguard the interests of individual patients and clients .
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