Example sentences of "all [prep] [Wh det] could " in BNC.

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1 Symptoms of hypotension include tiredness , light-headedness or dizziness and fainting , all of which could easily be attributed to other complaints .
2 The decision is made harder by the knowledge that almost all terminally ill patients are receiving medication and may be suffering pain and distress , all of which could affect their mental competence , quite apart from some doctors ' reluctance to ‘ give up . ’
3 Within the Sheffield proposal and Training Agency requirements , a high profile was given to the development of Careers Education and Guidance , Work-Experience , industry visits and work shadowing , all of which could be provided through a partnership .
4 At first , the playing time for both discs and cylinders was the same — about two minutes — but the fact that discs could be made in different sizes , all of which could be played on the same machine , was another advantage .
5 Up to one tenth of our domestic waste is glass , all of which could be recycled without any deterioration in quality .
6 All of which could give the right shares a healthy glow .
7 All of which could put the thought of buying an ordinary used BMW in a very different light .
8 For the West , however , there were promises of greater respect for human rights in the Soviet bloc and of increased East-West contacts , all of which could lead to an easing in Russian domination of Eastern Europe .
9 In fact , he has an extraordinary repertoire of mannerisms , all of which could be reasonably mistaken for possession of one kind or another .
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