Example sentences of "all [prep] [Wh det] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If researchers have absolutely no hunches at all about what they are going to find , how can they possibly know what questions to ask ?
2 Anyway , you do n't have to act with me — I 'm Paradise Street , remember , we know all about what you police do or do n't do , and most of them drink . ’
3 The small scale marred definition and the angle was not the same , but there was no doubt at all about what he was looking at .
4 But he went on refusing to say anything at all about what he 'd been doing in Paris .
5 Whether you disagree profoundly with his interpretations , as I sometimes do , or take them all for what they are , it is almost impossible to break away from the spell of his playing which is , at very worst , interesting .
6 yeah he 's one of the few doctor 's that 's not seemingly not all for what he can get , he seems to be a genuine caring chap I mean a lot of doctor 's they burn the candles at both ends
7 It was the Labour party 's supply-side policies , including its industrial relations policies — all of which we had to reverse — which did such damage in the 1970s .
8 All of which we have in this brochure defined for us .
9 We tried to make suggestions for character developments , all of which they would n't allow .
10 Commission — many financial advisers earn large sums in commission , not all of which they are obliged to disclose .
11 Then she thought of the Brownie Promise and the Brownie Law and the Brownie Motto , all of which she knew by heart and had often said aloud when riding along the country lanes , so that she would be able to say them if the wonderful day should come for her to join a Brownie Pack .
12 Her father had expected excessively high standards of her as a child — better deportment , better table manners and better school reports — all of which she felt she could never attain .
13 In 1918 she became the chief woman officer of the Labour party , in which role she was particularly active in pressing for improved working-class housing estates to include community centres with nurseries , restaurants , libraries , concert halls , and home-help services , all of which she saw as not merely desirable in themselves but essential for the emancipation of working-class housewives .
14 The journey and the sport would usefully consume at least three weeks , during all of which she would be beyond the regular or predictable reach of the mails .
15 Beryl Smith is giving up these classes all of which she has taken for many years .
16 All of which you will be tired of hearing but it has been brought about by my great fear that my husband will be taken off by the Brownings once more , this time to France and there is nothing we can do to prevent it they being the masters of our fate .
17 Now the problem with that model of proceeding is that you then end up with you can end up with the exploitation of complain procedures for a wide variety of , not all of which you want to countenance , and some of the universities ' and colleges ' experience of trying to run complaint procedures in connection with sexual harassment has been deciding when to try to cool someone down and when a complaint is someone that should be run along with .
18 The nightmares stopped instantly after this explanation , and I was able to give lectures , stand up for myself and speak in public — all of which I had never been able to do before . ’
19 All of which I 'd learnt from Churchill , of course .
20 In fact , while the R450 is here I 'm using it to set up my own guitars , all of which I tuned first with a normal tuner .
21 She did n't ask me what my prospects were , or how much I earned , or whether I was sleeping with her daughter — all of which I had thought of as possible avenues of conversation .
22 Apparently I had windmilled in at a quarter to ten , with three bottles of champagne , all of which I dropped in one catastrophic juggle .
23 The reasons have been explained in several letters to your MP or Regional Councillor on 31 March 1992 , 14 April , 6 May , 4 June and 27 August , all of which I understand have been passed to you , and directly over the phone by Mr Carter on 6 August 1992 .
24 There are Garden-wide requirements for glare filters , chairs , foot-rests , document-holders and , above all , operator training , which will be the subject of a separate report , but I thought you might like to know the position at the specialist gardens , all of which I have visited recently .
25 Now , meantime , until this happy state of affairs has been reached and we can devolve these responsibilities , we continue to support individual artists directly ourselves , through a variety of schemes , all of which I like to think relate to making more of them accessible to the public .
26 That boosted his income last year by a mere £1,550 , all of which he paid to charity .
27 ‘ Mouse ’ was to go on to a succession of schools — at all of which he was unhappy — and to Oxford , where he was run over by a train under circumstances which strongly suggested suicide .
28 After eighteen months , despite a tight budget , Paul is fully stocked , with an incredible 37 fish , all of which he has bought small and watched as they 've thrived and grown on .
29 ‘ The peculiar thing is that Blackbeard seemed ready to murder us for a wallet with a few fivers in it , all of which he was going to give to his bruiser , anyway .
30 Also in 1908 audiences could have seen Unemployed and Unemployable in which the central character begins by haranguing a crowd ; he is dragged off by his wife and given a whole range of domestic tasks all of which he makes a mess of ; he accidentally acquires stolen goods and is arrested ; the film ends with this ‘ lounger ’ working at last but in the cells .
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