Example sentences of "all [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Did you go out of the room at all between the time you arrived and , say , a quarter to ten ? ’
2 Its effects are far reaching and require a proactive response from industry — all during a time of change in Europe when the barriers are coming down , the single market is open for trade and it is up to all of us to take advantage of it .
3 well at least of all for the time being
4 It is all around , all of the time , and not even an interpretation of another but similar society , ‘ at home ’ in what Hastrup ( 1987 ) has called a ‘ parallel culture ’ .
5 The tide of her secret lapped around her ; soon she would be too tired all of the time .
6 It 's there all of the time , but it comes out the clearest when all the ‘ dramatic inflections , subtle stresses and sympathetic accents ’ ( Barthes ) , all the art of the singer , are abandoned , fall away , when Prince swoons , sounds like he 's on the brink of insensibility .
7 So community autonomy was a contingent achievement of those who were more distant from central power , and who had a potential common loyalty against outsiders , even if it was not active all of the time .
8 People thought he was doing this deliberately , because people never really believe that the beautiful lack confidence ; looking back , I think that to start with Boy must have been frightened almost all of the time .
9 That woman was thinking all of the time .
10 The general point is that primary schools might be more imaginative and flexible in their deployment of staff : there is no law that says that there should be one teacher to one class for all of the time , and that this is the best possible arrangement in all circumstances .
11 With powerful cars , no physical obstacles and with the knowledge that legal retribution is unlikely , it is not surprising that the 30 mph limit is held in contempt by many drivers all of the time and abused by nearly all drivers some of the time .
12 As far as I can tell , Guitarist has always welcomed valid criticism and suggestions for changes or new ideas , but that does n't mean that they have to follow all of it all of the time .
13 Unfortunately , it 's impossible to please everyone , all of the time , at the same time , but I tried .
14 Nevertheless , with Jupiter so well placed , things can not be all that bad all of the time .
15 Ironically , however , of those 71% of accountants who would like to have more holiday entitlement , 42.7% did n't even manage to use all of the time they were due at present .
16 One can not in such circumstances as these , please everybody all of the time .
17 We would be pretty uninteresting if we all behaved as adults all of the time , and it is our mix of behaviours as adult , child and parent that makes us interesting and unique .
18 ‘ It is lovely in one respect , but by crikey you are on the edge all of the time with him .
19 Charged particles from outer space ( cosmic rays ) are bombarding us all of the time and occasionally cause the electronics in the sophisticated detector circuits to misfire .
20 The little double planet Pluto has such a weird orbit that , even though almost all of the time it is by a long way the furthest known planet from the Sun , occasionally ( as at the time of writing ) it is closer to the Sun than is Neptune .
21 But that applies to every electron all of the time — and to everything else as well , from quarks to quasars !
22 At the other extreme is the stance taken on the MoD 's continuing tenure , which insists that it is not proper that the public continue to be excluded some of the time from all , and all of the time from some , of the finest coastal scenery in the British Isles .
23 The ideal level of feeding is generally accepted to be one in which the fish is slightly hungry and ready to forage actively for food , most , if not all of the time .
24 All of the time they 're introverted without ever alienating , able to craft an elegiac atmosphere that 's pretty all-enveloping , subtly freaked rather than self-consciously freaked out .
25 There is still much that we need to know about HIV and AIDS , and we are all learning all of the time .
26 Consumers who once stuck to favourite brands most or all of the time are now willing to try any item that catches their eye .
27 ( The context here makes the other possible reading , that the speaker is characteristically nervous all of the time , so unlikely as not to be considered apparently by the addressee , or indeed by the analyst until the process of analysis was brought to conscious attention . )
28 He 's bitching at me all of the time , he 's complaining , and he 's apt to be yelling at me , too .
29 If all scientists were critical of all parts of the framework in which they worked all of the time then no detailed work would ever get done .
30 Indeed , in using as an example the books of Joyce Porter featuring the gross , lazy and self-indulgent Inspector Dover we have already touched on this difficult combination of crime ( which is , after all , a serious matter almost all of the time ) and farce , and these two types of book are , of course , closely linked .
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