Example sentences of "if they had be " in BNC.

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1 THE VERY first line of Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? - ‘ What a dump ! ’ — is spoken by the play 's feminine protagonist in a parody of the classic Bette Davis manner : an ( imaginary ) cigarette held imperiously at eye-level , eyes blazing like the headlamps of an automobile , bee-sting lips enunciating each word ( including the ‘ a ’ ) for absolutely maximum effect , almost as if they had been snipped out of a newspaper headline by a writer of anonymous letters .
2 Breach of promise suits , which allowed individuals to sue for damages if they had been injured by unenforceable marriage contracts and which became increasingly popular in the nineteenth century , provide one example of this development .
3 The bowlers , though , did well in favourable conditions and , if they had been better supported at slip , could have made a match of it .
4 Yet when I emerged from that heaven-haven of sexual absolution , I would feel guilty , frightened , torn between happiness at being liberated from overwhelming sexual tension and the scared wonder of the events , as if they had been rituals in a half-remembered primitive religion .
5 He cleared the formidable Aintree fences as easily as if they had been hurdles .
6 They may feel responsible for adding to the dead person 's problems or may feel that if they had been more alert they would have noticed their friend 's or relative 's distress .
7 They will trawl back in their minds for comments and clues that , if they had been understood at the time , might have enabled them to be more helpful .
8 They were so free in expression she wondered if they had been read at all by his parents but presumed they could hardly have escaped their eye .
9 But he added that they could have had serious consequences for her if they had been true .
10 The pressures of wedded bliss excluded Sadie as effectively from the life of her former friend as if they had been on different continents .
11 One , seldom more than three feet high and called by Ray the Dwarf Red Rose , had small flowers and rounded buds which before opening appeared ‘ as if they had been clipp 'd with Scissars ’ .
12 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
13 In particular , ‘ Britain was bounced into surrenders of sovereignty which she would never have accepted if they had been presented as abstract ideas ’ .
14 If the first were correct , surely a house full of children and servants would have heard poor William 's pleas and , even if they had been too frightened of his mother 's retribution to release him , surely they would have passed him food .
15 She did not think it necessary to tell him that the University administration had been obliged to circulate all members of staff with a memorandum asking them , if they had been on strike , to volunteer the information ( since there was no other way of finding out ) so that their pay could be docked .
16 If they had been on an island , in a one-to-one situation , they would have fallen deeply in love , said Anspach .
17 In Arequipa I had watched women in the church of Santo Domingo giggle happily as they dressed the Virgin for a procession ; , behaving much as if they had been preparing a girl for a wedding , not a poor girl though , rather one Velasquez might be called upon to paint .
18 There was a filthy taste in his mouth and his lips felt as if they had been stung .
19 What if they had been English saboteurs , Maclean demanded .
20 The walkers who had wangled the lift with him looked as if they had been told they had a week to live , suggesting the car conversation must have fulfilled my expectations .
21 The by-laws were lawful not because of what they said but rather because of what they would have said if they had been drafted lawfully .
22 Angelo Heilprin , an American geologist who visited the scene a few weeks later and wrote a book about the tragedy , described ‘ twisted bars of iron , great masses of roof sheeting wrapped like cloth about posts upon which they had been flung , and iron girders looped and festooned as if they had been made of rope ’ .
23 Not many yards away , dunes and hillocks looked as if they had been dumped at random , each one rising about sixty feet above the plain .
24 These smaller dunes were distinct from the level ground on which they stood , as if they had been tipped in discrete heaps by the workmen 's lorry .
25 Though I had small scale maps at three inches to a mile for some areas they are not produced for all the Sahara , nor could I have afforded the hundred pounds they would have cost if they had been .
26 The prehistoric trees looked as if they had been felled the day before , but they were as sterile as hot bricks from a kiln and probably one hundred and thirty million years old .
27 When we consider the essential role of susceptibility it becomes plain that the people who caught a cold in the bus were ‘ ill ’ before they ever stepped onto it , for if they had been healthy they would never have picked up the bugs in the first place .
28 Many of the predators mentioned in the previous section function equally well as scavengers ( Hewson , 1981 ) , and the modifications they produce are the same as if they had been the primary predators .
29 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
30 A young Australian colleague of mine , with a Canadian collaborator , published ( Somatic Selection and Adaptive Evolution , Chicago UP ) some wayout views on inheritance of acquired immunological tolerance which would have been immensely important if they had been true .
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