Example sentences of "if he [vb past] been " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Even if he had been out shooting , he would n't slip into a lady 's bedroom in muddy hunting boots . ’
2 But surely , if he had been spying , he would have had to continue coming to all the meetings ?
3 If no one was now ‘ claiming ’ anything from him ; if he had been marginalised , then ‘ he had no rights in the matter ’ any longer .
4 He lived in 1935 ( when I last saw him ) in the utmost simplicity , although if he had been a little more conciliatory he could always have earned enough for his comfort — and his wife 's ; but he never valued anything that money could buy as he valued the integrity of his sharp-shooting mind .
5 Ramsey asked the pointed question whether William Temple would have been able to write if he had been Bishop of London and not Archbishop of York .
6 When one views the subsequent history of Vietnam , and Indonesia , however , it does not seem extravagant to claim that Mountbatten could hardly have made as bad a job of it if he had been left to his own devices .
7 If he had been less aroused he would n't have done it ; if he had been more aroused he would n't have noticed .
8 If he had been less aroused he would n't have done it ; if he had been more aroused he would n't have noticed .
9 He looked as if he had been conserving all his energy since then for the moment when he took advantage of an error by Butcher to shoot strongly past Woods .
10 He looked as if he had been conserving all his energy since then for the moment when he took advantage of an error by Butcher to shoot strongly past Woods .
11 If he had been spotted he would have returned , he said .
12 John McLeish , himself a forceful character , felt as if he had been put through a wringer .
13 Nor was he helped by being up against the mighty deeds of the West Indies in his first two series , and perhaps if he had been able to cut his teeth on something less difficult the story might have had a happier turn to it .
14 He was more talked about than if he had been open and obvious .
15 He would have posed the same question if he had been sitting in her position .
16 When Leo told me , I asked if he had been able to give the message .
17 Would the ship 's company have been saved if he had been singing a hit from the music-halls ?
18 If he had been in some sort of trance , ( lasting who knew how long ? ) that might account for the sudden appearance of Jos .
19 Eleanor would talk of Hallam , as if he had been there , in her room , recalling his expressions and conversations more clearly than Dorothea herself ever could .
20 We do n't know how Beethoven conducted his music or how he would have conducted if he had been able to hear everything that was going on , but we know from Brahms 's letters that he allowed himself sometimes great flexibility .
21 There are passages where Beethoven makes problems that perhaps he would have avoided if he had been able to hear .
22 If he had been young , nothing would have kept him from joining the Tuscan troops but as it was , he felt an old man and useless .
23 Towards dawn , she said to his sleeping back that he loved his employers more than he loved her and if he had been half the man he thought himself , he would have left them rather than abandon her .
24 Edmund Barham 's wooden acting as Carlos would have mattered less if he had been vocally more alluring and if his stilted phrasing had taken a hint from Mark Elder 's conducting .
25 Asked if he had been a child prodigy , he would answer : ‘ Yes I was — and I still am . ’
26 The biggest irony of all is that probably no single factor proved more damaging than the contribution of the man who we were told was so universally respected and popular that , if he had been Labour leader instead of Neil Kinnock , Labour 's lead in the polls would have been 49 to 33 .
27 A Gallup survey for The Daily Telegraph suggests that if he had been leader , the party would have had greater success last Thursday .
28 Before the Dewhurst Stakes , you felt sorry for his opponents and if he had been a man coming into a room for the first time , the rest of us would have looked round anxiously to see our wives ' reaction .
29 He felt light-headed , as if he had been awake for days on end .
30 His beard was grey-white , but discoloured yellow around his mouth as if he had been drooling thin custard .
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