Example sentences of "all [verb] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They were all laughing at such ineptitude when Wainfleet telephoned .
2 Alone on a holiday and trying to come to terms with his grief , he reflects that ‘ the most cruel pain of all occurred at such moments , when I tried to face the still unacceptable fact that I could never tell her anything again .
3 Gambling , football pools , fun-fairs , dog tracks , amusement arcades , dance halls , popular songs , street betting and speed-tracks were all attacked at different times in the interwar years for their demoralising influence , particularly on the young .
4 Thus capital , labour , output , and total consumption all grow at constant rates ( in the most straightforward case these rates are equal ) .
5 The work which our consulting engineers have done in conjunction with engineers from York City Council , show in very broad terms , that the existing radial routes within the Greater York area , were all in the period around about nineteen ninety one , all operating at more or less , design capacity .
6 ‘ A £4 million manufacturing investment programme is under way for 1993 and the project engineering team is actively involved with production management and methods engineering in ensuring that the Group has the best available machines and equipment , all operating at maximum efficiency and quality of output , ’ said Phil Richens , department manager .
7 It ran in MkII guise from 1954 to 1955 , but its six wins all came at insignificant domestic races .
8 All done then at ninety five , any more , ninety five , one hundred , one ten against you now , a hundred and ten , twenty , one thirty at one thirty with me , all done at one thirty ?
9 I 'll sell then seventy five eighty five ninety five one hundred , one ten twenty , thirty one thirty on the left now at the back one thirty are you all done at one hundred and thirty pounds ?
10 You all done at one thirty , one forty , one fifty one sixty , seventy one eighty one eighty on the right , any more ?
11 I shall sell then at a hundred and eighty pounds , are you all done at one eighty ?
12 Are you all done at one hundred pounds .
13 Seventy one seventy , one eighty one eighty one eighty , are you all done at one hundred and eighty pounds seated in the centre .
14 One thousand five hundred pounds then , are you all done at one thousand five hundred pounds ? thank you .
15 All done at one thirty , any more one fifty sixty , seventy one eighty one , one ninety two hundred two twenty two forty two forty at the very back there , any more at two forty ?
16 One thousand two hundred pounds , the bid 's with me , are you all done at one thousand two hundred pounds a thousand three hundred on my right now at one thousand three hundred pounds , any more ?
17 Lot number eight Lot eight there we are there it is showing to you , Lot number eight and I 'm offered a hundred pounds to start me on it , one hundred pounds and ten , twenty , one hundred and twenty pounds at a hundred and twenty pounds all s all done at one twenty , one thirty , forty a hundred and forty pounds selling for one hundred and forty pounds , any more at one hundred and forty pounds .
18 One twenty against you standing all done at one hundred and twenty pounds , any more at one twenty ?
19 At eighty pounds , any more at eighty pounds eighty five , thank you , at ninety pounds ninety five , a hundred at one hundred against you at the back , at one hundred , you all done at one hundred pounds .
20 Lot number sixty six Lot number sixty six is another one there we are , there 's another one showing for a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten , at one hundred and ten pounds any more at one ten , one twenty , thirty , forty , fifty one sixty , seventy one eighty at the back against you near me one eighty at the back and selling for a hundred and eighty pounds , all done at one eighty .
21 One thirty , forty a hundred and forty pounds , you all done at one forty , against you all , at one forty .
22 Er Lot number eighty nine Lot number eighty nine the seal there 's the seal there showing Lot number eighty nine for seventy pounds , at seventy pounds , at five , eighty , eighty five , ninety , ninety five , a hundred pounds and ten , at one hundred and ten pounds , all done at one ten , any more , one twenty one thirty one forty one forty in the front row at one hundred and forty I 've got and I shall sell at one forty .
23 All done at one hundred only ?
24 At one ten , at one hundred and ten pounds , you all done at one hundred and ten pounds ?
25 For a hundred pounds at one hundred and ten I 'm bid , at one twenty , one thirty at one hundred and thirty pounds any more at one thirty , and selling for a hundred and thirty pounds , you all done at one thirty .
26 Lot number one two six Lot number one two six is a silver bowl there 's the silver bowl fifty for this , at fifty , fifty five pounds at sixty , five , seventy offered I 'm offered seventy to my left , at seventy , seventy five eighty pounds eighty five ninety ninety five ninety fi one hundred offered one ten one ten to my right seated , at one ten , all done at one hundred and ten ?
27 Lot number one hundred and thirty Lot one thirty a koro koro and cover , there it is a hundred and fifty pounds , at one fifty , one sixty now one hundred and sixty pounds , all done at one sixty ?
28 At sixty , all done at sixty only , sixty five , seventy five eighty five eighty five stands , any more at eighty five pounds ?
29 At forty , all done then at forty five standing , fifty fifty five , sixty sixty five standing at sixty five , any more at sixty five all done at sixty five , seventy seventy five eighty eighty five ninety ninety five one hundred one ten one twenty one thirty forty one fifty sixty one sixty .
30 Sixty five all done at sixty five now , any more ?
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