Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Would you mind if I made a few housing enquiries for you ?
2 Seeing there are three of you , it would make sense if I made a fourth and helped to leg . ’
3 I used to get worked up if I made a mistake , I mean , I weave and a nervous breakdown spooling
4 But if I made a scene I 'm pretty sure it would be me who 'd come out looking like a fool .
5 By now my courage had failed and I had to be helped up the steep , wooden steps , the executioner 's assistants whispering that if I made a good show they would make sure I would choke for no more than ten minutes .
6 I could s I I even though it might make me a lot of money because I know that if I got if I made a dozen phone calls and did n't get any deals I 'd be out there wanting play the er I would n't trust myself .
7 It 's going to cost you under thirty eight pounds , so I 've got a little bit of wei , leeway if I made a few mistakes .
8 the clue , I I 'm sure if I made a mistakes like that , it 's because it 's , you know , maybe angry and I made the wrong approach .
9 I once asked my stage director what would happen if I made an unexpected ritardando .
10 It would be a great way to repay them if I made the England side and contributed to its success . ’
11 I did not think He would mind this , especially if I made the whole thing into a sort of combined barby stroke burnt sacrifice .
12 I knew that if I made the slightest false step he would leap at me .
13 Of course he 'd sue me for slander if I made the accusation publicly .
14 On the other hand I was afraid that if I made the driver sound too important he might end up under the wheel of a bus instead of behind one .
15 He noticed that he was being drawn into making the decision by the ‘ we ’ ; and so he said , ‘ Well , speakin' for meself , it would sicken me if I thought the young 'un got into his hands . ’
16 They 've given me an elbow crutch , and I can make the journey perfectly well now , if I thought the blasted train would stay on the lines , but there 's not much I could do once I got to Moila , is there , if I ca n't walk ?
17 ‘ But that would look rude — as if I thought the house was n't warm enough , which it really is with all that paraffin burning away . ’
18 ‘ At first the idea of writing a wind serenade to precede The Marriage of Figaro was daunting : it has such an exciting overture , it certainly needs no further curtain-raiser — and what if I took a theme from the opera and overdid it , so no wanted to hear it in its proper place ?
19 Yes , I own my own cab but the real mushers would have me if I took a fare . ’
20 If I took a knock I would n't feel it , and that would make things worse .
21 See if I took a pension mortgage out it would be linked to me lumped into me current pension contract .
22 And well I du n no if I took a continuity one round to the left .
23 ‘ Would it make you feel any better if I took the cardigan down to her , ’ said Yanto .
24 ‘ And if I took the classes then you would take me onto your books ? ’
25 If I took the food away from her too often , though , there was a danger she would lose interest , so I had to give in to her a few times .
26 I thought it might help if I took the flowers off him , so I reached out and lifted them carefully , holding the stem ends away from me .
27 If I took the children there it would be a real breach .
28 But he said he 'd pay me a fiver if I took the fish out for a bit of fresh air in the hope that it might drop off to sleep .
29 If I stuck a pom-pom on each nipple and waggled them in front of Jed , he 'd tell me I was blocking his view of the telly , ’ says Mandy .
30 ‘ We are a bit thin on the ground up front but if I stuck the cleaner and laundry lady out there I know they would give me 110 per cent . ’
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