Example sentences of "if [noun sg] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 If Bleach have a problem , it 's the way they under-sell themselves so often .
2 Yeo refused to rule out further statutory directions from the government if monitoring revealed a need for them .
3 And if parliament passes a law
4 If stagflation becomes a problem , then demand management policies ( both fiscal and monetary ) should be used to eliminate demand-deficient unemployment , with back-up ‘ supply-side ’ policies being used to cure the remaining unemployment .
5 No but I mean if mummy put a
6 Although several European countries have legal controls on such activities , in the U.K. the law has not been extended in this way , though there may be legal remedies in some cases for those who believe they have been harmed by the use to which the surreptitiously collected information has been put : if , for example , unauthorised entry on to property has occurred , or if there has been breach of confidence or copyright , or if conspiracy to commit a crime , civil wrong , public mischief or some outrageously immoral act can be proved .
7 If escape seems a negative reason to go on a journey , travel can transform it into a positive one .
8 It is often said that alcohol is ‘ the only little pleasure that old people have ’ , which may be true to an extent , but if drinking becomes a problem then it is for the individuals to decide how much of a pleasure drinking is , and whether they want help to stop .
9 If Law had a political model , then it must have been Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman , a fellow Scot who had shown that an ordinary man could hold the highest office without discredit and that he could beat the clever and the politically sophisticated at their own game .
10 In saying this , I am saying little more than that history , more or less as we have known it , will continue in the future ( if humanity has a future ) .
11 If humanity has a future at all , the issue of democracy will remain central to its political evolution .
12 ‘ Because if morality has a status which can not be challenged or transcended then the search itself is under judgment . ’
13 If consent makes a touching lawful , then it must follow that if a patient withholds consent , if he refuses to be touched by a doctor , any further touching will be unlawful , and will give rise to civil and criminal liability .
14 ‘ These middle-aged bachelors … anyway , do n't be surprised if Security want a word with you .
15 If conscription represented a major presumption upon the values of Edwardian Britain , so too did the growing battery of controls over licensing hours , house rents , rationing and information .
16 If failure to attract a willing partner leads some men to choose an unwilling one , or if , having failed repeatedly in the sexual stakes , such men find redress in humiliating and punishing one emblematic woman for the inaccessibility of all women , then society has failed in its role of socialising the male sex drive at its point of maximum danger and loss of control .
17 The Chancellor might be forced to raise rates again if sterling took a nosedive , but he did not need to sit with his finger on the trigger .
18 If cash forms a substantial part of the consideration , the working capital statement must be supported by a letter of confirmation to the London Stock Exchange from the offeror 's sponsoring member firm ( see para below ) .
19 We could solve our problems only if education received a higher and higher budget , either from the proceeds of an expanding economy or from receiving a higher proportion of an economy in steady-state .
20 If DOS finds a match in its COMMAND.COM file , it knows that you want to run one of its internal commands and it will try to carry out that command .
21 Instead we should investigate the nature of knowledge ( if knowledge has a nature ) and of justification directly , and hope by our results in this area to provide a conclusion , one way or the other , about the possibility of knowledge .
22 As Keane says ‘ How do we guarantee the survival and future growth of democracy … the troubling paradox is the growing respectability of democracy has turned out to be a disappointing affair — ; certainly if democracy means a pluralistic system of power wherein decisions of concern to collectives of various others within civil society and the state are made directly or indirectly by their members ’ .
23 When industrial disputes arose the bill first prescribed direct talks between workers and management , followed in the event of a breakdown in these talks by mediation for up to 14 days by an independent arbitration ; if mediation failed a strike could then be called subject to the strike organizers ' giving seven day 's notice to management .
24 The straps can be slackened to allow greater air circulation between the back and the sack if sweating becomes a problem .
25 If demand hits a pre-set level , one quarter of these shares will be clawed back to increase allocations from the small investors .
26 If efficiency forms a part of development , then a country will be able to spend less on fuel and power , as well as releasing fewer greenhouse gases .
27 These normally private functions can assume unusually large proportions if illness limits a person 's capacity for self care .
28 If pre-exposure endows a stimulus with inhibitory properties then such a stimulus should readily come to serve as a CS- since the inhibition already acquired should give a head start .
29 I wondered if fike had a Latin tag for this moment ; perhaps bis peccare in bello non licet — in war two blunders are n't permitted .
30 In the waters of the monsoon pools of East Africa it is as if man sees a baboon in the mirror , for the development of baboon societies in the very regions in which human social life must have also evolved seems to reflect in extraordinarily detailed ways the emergence of features otherwise unique to human life .
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