Example sentences of "if [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 An anorexic may tell her friends or parents , ‘ I 'd like to be slim ’ , and , if pressed for a reason , may reply along the lines of , ‘ So that I can wear nice clothes , date good-looking boys , and generally have a good time . ’
2 If not in priority need , particularly if considered for the purposes of the Act to have become ‘ intentionally homeless ’ , persons may receive only advice and ‘ appropriate assistance ’ , leaving much to an authority 's discretion .
3 Clive searched his pockets , as if looking for a train ticket .
4 Its engine is missing badly and it 's circling round as if looking for a landing-place .
5 as if looking for a quarrel he went on to exaggerate the uncompromising nature of his position .
6 Mounce held the note up to the light , as if looking for a watermark .
7 The blackjack tail as if looking for a target ,
8 Fortunately , Nevil was n't looking in his mirror , he had his head out of the driver 's window as if looking for a street name .
9 She examined her hands , white with chalk , as if looking for the source of some small pain , then gave up on that and began to dust herself down .
10 Are all operators reversible ? if searching for a goal : no if searching for a path : yes
11 Are all operators reversible ? if searching for a goal : no if searching for a path : yes
12 He looked at me and chewed his bottom lip as if searching for a remnant of breakfast .
13 He started to pat his pockets , as if searching for an ID .
14 He tilts his head and gazes into my face as if searching for the answer .
15 He paused , as if searching for the right words .
16 ‘ Guy is not a yuppie , ’ Charles remonstrated , in the voice he reserved for humouring his little sister when she was being most irritating , ‘ He just happens to be a very successful … ’ her brother hesitated a fraction as if searching for the most appropriate description ‘ … entrepreneur . ’
17 The Scottish star had only agreed to run if selected for the 1,500m but a communication breakdown meant she was chosen for 3,000m instead .
18 Any spreadsheet files sent in DIF format to InteCalc will be converted to its own internal format or if destined for an external program they will be sent as text .
19 If approved for a baby , go on to waiting list to be ‘ matched ’ — may wait up to 3 years or more for placement
20 This will not , however , preclude the granting of an injunction , or an associated disclosure order , if needed for the purpose of freezing assets ; it is immaterial that the information gained may also have value in the substantive dispute between the parties .
21 Power the lower leg into the target , aiming for a light smack if attacking the head , or a more solid thump if going for the ribs .
22 They will only get help if they can not easily realise savings of the person who died to pay for the bill , or if paying for the bill brought their own family savings below £500 .
23 Corticosteroids , if used for a prolonged period , can cause a type of dependency .
24 Gerald Seymour-Strachey put himself in a self-conscious pose of memory , as if rehearsing for a television down-memory-lane programme .
25 as if waiting for a command to bring them to life , Trent thought .
26 A tall , thin man stood staring at a stone wall , as if waiting for an answer to a question he had put to it .
27 You do not warm to this lady , who delivers her lines to camera as if waiting for the canned laughter .
28 The four surviving landscapes Modigliani painted are dry , limpid scenes with an air of desolation ; trees dominate , cypress trees or leafless trees , standing like sentinels in front of the houses and buildings , as if waiting for the people to emerge .
29 ‘ Stella , ’ he called again , as if asking for the only person he needed .
30 Each phrase followed on from the next as if stored for an age and waiting to be spoken in just this way .
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