Example sentences of "they [modal v] be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Keep a good look out for them , give them plenty of clearance ( they may be moving faster than you think ) and let them make their moves in safety .
2 The position of the health professional — doctor , health visitor , or nurse — is not to pretend that their bit of health promotion is going to have more than a small additive effect to all the other necessary inputs , and they should be aware that they may be wasting their time if the other inputs are not there .
3 They also have not yet learned to use their eyes together ( called binocular vision ) , so they may be seeing double or seeing only through one eye .
4 They may be seeing hs , or backwards s backwards h , or backwards h backwards s — the permutations are , in fact , considerable the more you think about it , and once again I 'd like to repeat that the teacher should be aware of the possibility that not all the class are actually seeing what she thinks they might be seeing .
5 WHEN a teenager talks about popping in to the travel agents , parents should realise they may be intending to buy something more mind-bending than a cheap break .
6 At the meeting , the most important point to convey is that your alternative proposals need not be to their detriment , either in financial terms or in the provision of any accommodation they may be hoping for in a new development on the site .
7 They may be hoping to enlist the support of Mrs Thatcher , one of a long list of famous old girls .
8 But they may be hoping in vain .
9 For some children they are more socially deprived , and yet they may be getting considerable ‘ education ’ in inverted commas within their home environment .
10 For some children they are more socially deprived , and yet they may be getting considerable ‘ education ’ in inverted commas within their home environment .
11 Governors should recognise their power to co-opt on to their working groups , in a non-voting capacity , any member of the local community who could offer specific expertise and skills which they may be lacking .
12 They may be believing it , too , on the Meadowell estate , North Shields .
13 Counselling will advise them of the risks , if any , that they may be taking by embarking on a further conception .
14 ‘ Any patients with potential problems will probably have notes from their GP , advising on any specific treatments or medication they may be taking , and you 'll probably get one or two who feel seasick . ’
15 They may be dropping their oxygen carrying capacity of their blood to a level at which they pass out .
16 Working with carers and helpers can be done in a task-centred way , helping to partialise the difficulties and problems they may be facing , to find a solution bit by bit .
17 In fact , they may be helping you with yours !
18 THEY may be trying to patch up the rift in their marriage .
19 They may be trying to attract a mate , mapping out their territory , warning other males off .
20 We hear they may be trying for 2.5 volts to reduce heat on the part .
21 They may be trying to understand and explain a whole period of the past or they may be concentrating on one individual problem .
22 Their difficulties stem from a number of different causes and may be temporary or permanent ; and they may be receiving their education , either outside the mainstream ( whether in special classes or units in ordinary schools , or in special schools ) or in ordinary classes in ordinary schools .
23 But more than any other imitators of Nazi atrocities , they have borrowed from Himmler-Eichmann techniques : death marches ; the programmed rape of Muslim women by Serbs to dilute Muslim blood or genes or whatever other ‘ scientific ’ madness they may be imagining ( Mengele ) ; the levelling of towns and villages in Croatia and Bosnia as punishment and as weapons of terror ( Lidice , Oradour-sur-Glane ) .
24 Of course while they may be imagining that they are bending my ear and creating a good impression , they are also providing me with the kind of evidence I am looking for about the gendered and generational aspects of this kind of racism .
25 Those who give the impression that they are fishing for information ; they may be looking for a recommendation for somebody else who may be suitable to approach .
26 For example , they may be using one terminal to access DEC VAX applications and another one for IBM mainframe applications and yet another for graphics or text .
27 The results of research with such instruments would enable general practitioners to provide scientific evidence to managers on why they may be using more expensive management options for a particular illness when the managers exert pressure on them to use the cheapest .
28 This does not necessarily mean that pupils can not distinguish the 2-D from the 3-D shape — they may be using a more familiar name for dual reference — but it probably does mean that they have not formalized for themselves the relationships among the various features of cubes and pyramids .
29 Earlier this morning Home Office forensic experts were called in as the police believed they may be dealing with a murder investigation .
30 In most countries people compelled by poverty to ask for social assistance have to show that their families , wherever they may be living , can not support them .
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