Example sentences of "they [verb] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They met some girlfriends of Jessica 's , and ended up having cakes and coffee and a laugh .
2 By 0900hrs the Japanese were back to raid other specified targets , this time they met some opposition in the air , several American fighters were now airborne but the pilots had no combat experience so the Japanese had the advantage .
3 They met some time in ‘ thirty-eight , I gather .
4 And they got some stick for that .
5 Cathy , Cathy if they got some disease like , I du n no something like I du n no cancer or something like that , would they be more ill than normal ?
6 and then er , they got some units from M F I , they 're beautiful
7 In front of a 65,000 crowd , they dropped into an American football game and they got some reception .
8 He says they got some men in a van and tried to burn them .
9 She says that they lived some miles from London , but they could see the red glow in the sky and smell the smoke . ’
10 During the middle ages the most important records were at least in some degree legal instruments : whether they transferred land , appointed men to office , warranted expenditure , acquitted revenue officers of their charge , or summoned litigants to court , they conveyed some kind of legally valid authority .
11 I do n't know if I know I understand obviously monies not around at the moment but if they made some way of creating some kind of jazz pub closing it down making it part of the theatre again it 's it 's just a like a pub and I I do n't ever feel comfortable going in there and buying drinks on rehearse . .
12 In a rather tentative manner , they made some suggestions on how they thought it could be improved .
13 In the spirit of affability , may I congratulate the Government on one of the changes that they made some time ago , in which they followed fairly accurately the views expressed in early-day motion 488 , which noted that when ’ the Social Fund cold weather payments scheme trigger mechanism was put to a serious test it collapsed three times under the weight of its own absurdity the scheme is inadequate , inefficiently targeted and wasteful as the cost of advertising and administration are unjustifiably high ; and urges a new saving limit of £3,000 that would create a fully automatic scheme ’ .
14 I think erm Winston Churchill when he went for his Eton exam or the entrance exam to Eton or something and erm y'know they asked some question and he and he goes on and erm after five minutes he wrote his name , very neatly , right ?
15 They passed some sidings full of tube trains , looking lost and blind above ground , like worms .
16 The distant forest became obscured by a misty darkness which closed in round them , broken by the odd pinprick of light as they passed some hamlet or village .
17 In this chapter we shall be considering some of these ‘ natural ’ shocks to the system of marriage and asking why they upset some people and are the making of others .
18 Though they produced some statuary in Classical and Hellenistic styles they were not copyists .
19 They stared at each other in silence for a moment , surprised to find that they shared some fragment of a common cause : the unsolved mysteries that troubled them both , though twenty years and half a world apart , were somehow one and the same .
20 It suggested that they shared some sort of secret , but of course they did n't , and when he rose and drained the last mouthful of his second cup of coffee before placing the delicate china cup back in its saucer she could only follow his lead , feeling certain that the relaxed mood was broken .
21 Either they operated some kind of taboo against such things , or else the technological relics of past civilisations were commonplace enough for them not to attach importance to a vessel which they must at least suspect to be in operable condition .
22 that sort of thing , so they make some things and sell them .
23 A large number of boys , particularly at the foreclosure stage , are initially attracted to science but there is a drift away throughout later adolescence as they undergo some crisis .
24 Somebody actually writing in , as somebody did yesterday , because they want to deliver erm some w some elderly ladies want to deliver some goods into an area wh where tr traffic restrictions exist , and they want some help so that they can actually park their car whilst they unload .
25 They want some bread do n't they ?
26 They want some kind of ‘ market ’ solution — by which they usually mean spreading losses around to other , unaffected names .
27 Someone says something particularly stupid in a shop , or you wait half an hour in the British Rail canteen because someone ca n't decide whether they want some fruitcake or not .
28 But if they do n't , if they break it or that then er they expect some trouble .
29 These men did not describe themselves as Zuwayi hurr , but even though their activities were largely circumscribed by their police work , they maintained some activities which were typical of a free Zuwaya .
30 Then there is the increasing problem of Spanish students who feel they know some English and decide to teach it .
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