Example sentences of "they [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They fear that bankers may now reckon to get a better return by selling off firms ' assets quickly than by keeping debtors alive .
2 They fear that welfare is being privatised : if charities build shelters for the homeless and philanthropists feed the poor , the government saves money .
3 They fear that ministers intend to downgrade their economic role and enhance the powers of local enterprise companies .
4 Villagers in Bendel State hide their television and radio sets on treetops because they fear that radioactivity will be transmitted via the electronic media .
5 The present limit for adult viewing is 9pm — but they fear that children as young as 12 are still viewing after that .
6 They fear that Mr Charest , but not Ms Campbell , will be a match for them in the provinces where it matters most , Quebec and Ontario .
7 Some of Mr Kravchuk 's advisers are exploiting his vanity , perhaps because they fear that Mr Kuchma 's reforms will put an end to the opportunities for easy profits offered by the current chaos in the economy .
8 They fear that responsibilities and attitudes once a prominent part of a teacher 's life may no longer be regarded as essential ; they fear an erosion of the teacher 's role and status , and see changes as signalling moves to squeeze him out of concerns that were and are rightly his .
9 When they announced that Hodge was playing , this Leeds ‘ fan ’ behind me groaned and said that he hoped he 'd have his leg broken !
10 When the responses to almost 20,000 questions had been put through VGA 's computer , they revealed that men and women executives have more talents in common than most people imagine — and some considerable managerial differences too .
11 The moment they realized that Dad was in , they let me go .
12 After dinner they agreed that Rodney should not wash up .
13 They agreed that countries with fiscal and current-account deficits should reduce budget deficits and increase private savings .
14 But male compositors made it easier for them to do this , and justified the division of labour , when they agreed that women could not attain all the skills of the trade .
15 They agreed that John should let Margaret know that any intervention by her in the debate on immigration would be considered ‘ unhelpful ’ , and should extend an invitation for her to sit on the platform on the Friday afternoon for the Leader 's speech , sitting as far away from Ted Heath as it was humanly possible .
16 When they were in their room together they agreed that Sister Dew was ‘ a bit of a trial ’ and that seemed to draw them together .
17 Then they agreed that Mr Stewart should have the use of the church from twelve to two pm and the United Free Church service to begin at two o'clock .
18 Greece was obliged this spring to accept the new country 's admission to the United Nations with ‘ Macedonia ’ in its name , and the New Democracy rebels swallowed their fury when they realised that voting against the government would cause an election their party would probably lose .
19 They realised that people were sneering at them .
20 John and Joan Waters had hoped that , once they realised that Derek had the support of other members of his family , they would leave him alone .
21 They presumed that Jaq was honing his soul serenely in expectation of sacrifice .
22 In other words they deny that education is necessarily a means to an end , and argue instead that either the content or the processes of teaching and learning can have intrinsic educational value .
23 They deny that classes can be defined in terms of their functions for capitalism and instead stress the importance of the market situation of those in particular occupations .
24 Indeed they argued that girls developed sub-cultures which were more passive and marginal than those of boys and involved doing things such as sitting around in their bedrooms worshipping pop stars .
25 These " Whiggish Jacobites " , as they referred to themselves , produced a number of pamphlets in which they argued that William , through various acts of despotism , had broken the contract he had made with the nation in 1689 , and thus forfeited his right to obedience .
26 They argued that decentralization could not be divorced from the increasing pressures which industry was facing , nor indeed from deindustrialization itself : that while location factors might indicate why movement took place from area A to area B rather than from area Y to area Z ( though the technical arguments above disputed even that ) , they gave no help in explaining why there was movement in the first place .
27 Later , in their survey of new teachers in school , they argued that teachers who were insecure in their subject material adopted
28 They argued that development would eventually take the Third World through its own demographic transition to low rates of death and birth .
29 They argued that sinners were quite unable to attain salvation through their own merits or through the long process of confession , repentance , and partial purification , and that justification or redemption was obtainable only at a stroke through the gift of faith from God made possible by Christ 's sacrifice .
30 They argued that categories such as crime and mental illness ( and they could have added child abuse ) do not occur naturally , but are products of social definition .
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