Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The military skills and superior armaments of the two knights allow them to fight off their attackers and they gain admittance to the castle .
2 Their aim is to explore and describe the internal social systems that govern behaviour in these communities , and of course they gain access to these systems through studying overt behaviour in the communities .
3 They lack commitment to the service , and they do not use it .
4 They bring respectability to industry in the eyes of young people and allow them to see that work can be rewarding , interesting and challenging .
5 These rules are very important , because they bring consistency to the interpretation of leases and enable parties buying and selling leases and reversions to obtain more reliable advice on what their rights and liabilities are likely to be .
6 Although , claiming that they bring attention to their own historicity , New Historicists are reluctant to map out what that historicity is .
7 But also , it is not exactly that they bring sexuality to politics ( it was always already there ) ; rather deviant desire brings with it a different kind of political knowledge , and hence inflects both desire and politics differently .
8 They sell airtime to ‘ service providers ’ , which then sell phones and supply subscribers through a retailer .
9 What was Britain going to do about its colonial subjects now that they laid claim to ‘ Britishness ’ ?
10 If they were unable to take part in hard productive work , they became surplus to the manpower requirements of the new industrial society .
11 Divested of their natural homes and hunting grounds , cut off from the renewable natural resources on which they depended , observing the continuing slaughter by visitors licensed to kill and construct , and disinherited from the financial or other benefits of these exercises , they became party to the most misguided and cynical game this century : the over-exploitation and destruction of the natural environment for the benefit of a few .
12 Like fishermen and others who work in cold conditions , they develop tolerance to cold in hands and faces , possibly a function of enhanced blood circulation in exposed areas of the body .
13 Taken together , people 's answers to these three questions indicate that they judge HP to be the most costly common form of credit , and that they judge credit cards , store accounts and check trading to be relatively cheap — with the important qualification that ( presumably taking quality of goods into account ) mail order and check trading , though not expensive , are often thought likely to give poor value for money .
14 If they make sense to you , well and good .
15 They make sense to the children and they permit them to make sense of their world .
16 The jobs they can do are limited , and they arc thought to bc less intelligent and more easily pleased .
17 It seems to arouse expectations they ca n't meet , it makes demands on their freedom , they want life to be simpler .
18 They want access to Thailand 's 11 million smokers and they 're fighting with all the muscle available to them , according to Prakit Vateesatokit , of the Thai Anti-Smoking Campaign .
19 Newbigin cites the evidence of not one but a variety of Christologies in the New Testament reflecting ‘ the attempts of that community to say who Jesus is in terms of the different cultures within which they bore witness to him . ’
20 They moved north to Scotland for an intensive period of training , and he found himself in command of a section of young volunteers , many of whom were to serve with him later in the Middle East .
21 Significantly , the greeting trill is normally done when they are on the move , usually when they have come in from outside and are about to move off towards the place where they expect food to be waiting .
22 By the random selection of single items , they drew attention to the multitude of peripheral experiences that form the texture of life itself .
23 They drew attention to Israel 's refusal to implement UN demands to withdraw from the occupied territories and asked why no sanctions were applied against the Israelis .
24 They were ugly , they hurt her , they drew attention to the ever-increasing size of her feet .
25 They drew attention to the difficulties of knowing which local authority was responsible for a particular service — especially in the county areas .
26 They drew attention to the distances involved and the communication problem for islanders visiting the mainland .
27 Second , and more fundamentally , they drew attention to the difficulties of finding a satisfactory measure of performance in statistical terms .
28 They provided hospitality to travellers , and people with property endowed foundations for the care of the old and the sick .
29 Nora had smiled at and nodded to Wolff several times but the affair was almost over before they found occasion to be casually alone together .
30 Even they found access to many important historical sources difficult or impossible .
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