Example sentences of "they [was/were] [adv] in " in BNC.

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1 Hampered by their lack of English , traumatised by events in Germany and Austria and , in most cases , with very limited resources , they were invariably in need of care themselves .
2 Geoffrey Fisher went from Repton to be Bishop of Chester and invited him to be an examining chaplain ; which he accepted — it would mean two or three visits a year — and was surprised to find how friendly Fisher was when they were not in the relation of boy and headmaster .
3 Two Government reports had concluded they were not in the public interest .
4 They were not in control of energy policy .
5 They were not in fact the same thing — they were two separate things — and up until this point , it seemed like it was all one thing — that MainMan and David were the same — but it began to become apparent that they were n't .
6 They were not in control of all the factors .
7 It was infinitely more unnerving than that though , for they were not in a sealed room but out in the open , with the air rent with cries from the crowd : screams of naked terror and prayers for deliverance .
8 But the little boy 's request was unusually apt , for , unknown to them all , they were not in Edendale , Southland , New Zealand , but the Garden of Eden by Gore .
9 Improve your mood and counteract stress : Ask anyone who exercises regularly and they will tell you that they always feel exhilarated at the end of a session — even if they had begun by feeling that they were not in the mood for exercise and had almost forced themselves to continue .
10 They accepted that Mr Goodman would suffer financial hardship as a result , but said that they were not in a position to judge whether his dismissal had been justified , so that it could not be said that his difficulties had been caused by the company 's conduct .
11 By about 1000 BC much smaller cattle began to appear and they came to be called the Celtic oxen , their different skull shape giving rise to the term Bos brachyceros or Bos longifrons , though they were not in fact of a separate species but members of the Bos taurus species like other longhorns and shorthorns in temperate regions .
12 The law demanded that they attend school for the few hours they were not in the theatre , but time spent on education was minimal as the pantomime was so popular that there were matinées most days .
13 There must have been a proportion of shy , bashful ones around , but they were not in evidence amongst the mob which harassed us day by day as we tried to make our way around the town on our own affairs .
14 At one stage two large windows were let into the wall each side of the rose window to give more light , but these were removed when the cathedral was restored in the early part of this century as they were not in keeping with the original design .
15 If for example women were turned down more often than men because their employment history was shorter , they were not in a skilled job , and they did not have a bank account , this would not constitute discrimination against women — as the conditions , only part of an overall scoring system , would not be absolute .
16 While they had not asked for permission to enter his lands and claimed they were not in a position to pay for the disturbance , they promised he would be well looked after if the find was as good as appeared .
17 They were not in the safe ? ’
18 They were not in an easy position .
19 They were not in a very good state of conservation , having been drastically overcleaned in previous restoration campaigns sponsored by the Carthusian monks .
20 When they were not in chapel , at the dinner table or in their beds , there was nothing at all to do in the house except join the endless gossiping sessions with which João 's sisters and cousins filled their idle hours .
21 But they were not in Great Britain in 1984 , and adjacent areas with similar relatively isolated mining communities ( notably Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire ) differed very substantially not only in their support for the strike call but also in their level of industrial militancy over a substantial period of time .
22 Although such women may be registered as unoccupied , they were not in fact lone mothers .
23 As far as the death grant goes , erm for a pensioner that would only be payable erm if somebody actually died within year of leaving pensionable service , due to ill health , and they were not in receipt of an infirmity pension .
24 Everyone was making sure that they were not in flesh contact with any of the furniture , walls or floor .
25 But they were not in conflict .
26 They were not in a position to remind them that " an Ammonite and a Moabite shall not enter the congregation of the Lord " ( Deut. 23.4 ) — if it is true that the Tobiads were Ammonites .
27 In defence of Dixon 's there are DTP packages that will run on an Amstrad 5086 — Timeworks 3 for GEM for example so they were not in fact wrong .
28 They were not in identifiable heaps but had melted into the soil .
29 He may have agreed that if the goods were in existence he would acquire the ownership of them and if they were not in existence he would get nothing but that in either event he would pay the price .
30 All I know is that the Labour Government , who were in favour of the European Community , did not need any convincing that they were not in favour of a federalist united states of Europe .
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