Example sentences of "they [vb base] the good " in BNC.

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1 The result is an accumulation of beliefs , from purchasing people who believe they have the best sourcing to manufacturing people who believe they have the most cost-effective production ; from personnel people who believe they hire the best sales people to sales people who believe they sell the best products .
2 Mr Clarke said social services departments would ‘ use their own , voluntary or private provision , according to which they judge the best way of providing the best quality service ’ .
3 The more money they make the better for them .
4 They make the best kinds of characters .
5 They make the best kinds of characters .
6 McDonald outlines it thus : ‘ A : find the best artists you can ; B : keep them in a creative mood so that they make the best records they can , and C : maximise the sales of the records everywhere without turning it into a real form of drudgery for them . ’
7 What is questionable is whether they make the best use of this information , particularly of that which , if they were competent to extract it , could be deduced from the companies ' published accounts .
8 I 'll finish with this about women : they make the best of friends and the worst of enemies !
9 Can he give some information about the way in which the Government can encourage the greater recruitment of traffic wardens up to full complement in police forces and encourage the better use of those wardens so that they make the best possible contribution to the maintenance of traffic flow and the release of police officers for the control of crime ?
10 Pre-Course advice — nominators or candidates are helped to choose the most appropriate course , so that they make the best possible investment .
11 ‘ I do love big breakfasts because we are not far from Bury and they make the best black puddings in the world , but I do want to stay healthy so my wife Judith makes sure I keep a very balanced diet .
12 Certainly they want their children to do well ; they want the best for them .
13 They want the best of both worlds , but they find the best of neither and the worst of each .
14 They want the best for their children and an assurance that the school will improve its perforance and give their children better opportunities .
15 The report 's authors say they want the best for everyone
16 THEY say the best things come in threes and this was certainly true of the suggestion schemes at Sellafield , Chapelcross and Capenhurst .
17 But they say the best pilots start young and David Leech will have to wait till August for his first solo .
18 cos if you , they say the best time to buy a pair of shoes is at night when your sh when your feet are really swollen .
19 The Colobinae are a group of monkeys with sacculated stomachs with associated bacteria and flagellates , and they show the best adaptations to leaf eating , allowing the use of coriaceous leaves , though all species eat at least some fruit and seeds .
20 ‘ Our fans are the best , they deserve the best , and I have got to make a change . ’
21 ‘ But CF sufferers are a courageous group and they deserve the best .
22 They may be able to make something of that , and they deserve the best luck going for them .
23 Do governments throw sand in the works , so that the less they interfere the better ?
24 Well they save the best for the le la for last but
25 They give the good speller a chance to use his skill , but may depress a poor speller .
26 Secret The solution to this trick lies in the fact that , while the children can point to which lines they like or say which colour cards they like the best , you decide which cards to take away .
27 Gradually , through such experiences , these people find there is no official source of order in two of the social worlds they know the best , school and home .
28 Their likely opponents in the second round are Charterhouse , if they get the better of Highgate today , writes Ted Barrett .
29 ‘ You mean they get the best of both worlds this way . ’
30 Everything within reason must be done to ensure not only that children are not neglected but that they get the best upbringing possible … .
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