Example sentences of "they [vb base] as an " in BNC.

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1 In what follows I am going to use a general procedure for reading texts to examine specific features of racist discourse to be found in ‘ Fighting talk ’ and ‘ The last laugh ’ and to suggest a series of questions which they raise as an agenda for further research and debate .
2 * As a way of finding the best structure for your essay , write out all the main points you think you need to make , and rearrange them until they develop as an overall argument ( see pp. 59 – 61 ) .
3 Now the police authorities a and the local authorities and the magistrates may be thought to be indulging in special preening , but I do assure Your Lordships that they really are not alone in expressing their anxieties er about the er er er this bill and what it proposes , for example , if I may , I would like to refer to a letter which I received from Justice , chaired by my Noble Friend Lord Alexander of and with his Vice-chairman er er Lord and er they say as an all-party human rights organisation , Justice considers that the composition of police authorities is an important constitutional issue effecting the independence of policing .
4 Objectives are important because they act as an essential backcloth to behaviour itself .
5 The resulting flows as institutions adjust towards their desired portfolio position are of importance because they act as an equipoise to international imbalances in savings and investment through their influence on asset prices and exchange rates .
6 Their home , an 1855 Quaker Meeting House at Garstang , near Preston , is furnished in what they describe as an eclectic ‘ mish-mash ’ of styles , from 16th century to late 19th and everything in between .
7 Rather , they present as an individual property , following from the impact of impairment on the ‘ self ’ , what are in fact learnt behaviours .
8 Although the charts are in no way comprehensive ( essential oils can help a great many more health problems ) they serve as an example as well as a self help guide to the home treatment of a number of common ailments .
9 The Bolshevik claim to represent the true interests of the masses they regard as an arrogant illusion born of a fundamentally false doctrine .
10 This is a response from workers who are perhaps seeking a respite from a tedious job , or who wish to defy what they regard as an oppressive management .
11 Naturally , neoclassical economists will stand aghast at what they regard as an unwarranted political intrusion into the realm of positive economics .
12 Campaigners blame the rise on what they regard as an increasingly remote institutionalized approach to childbirth .
13 In fact the channelling of reports and dissertations towards educationally productive goals is merely part of a wider and far more important issue , that of establishing a new climate of opinion among teachers and those who train them which regards enquiry about the learners and the environment in which they learn as an important part of a teacher 's professional life , which seeks to develop interests and provide skills for them to do so as part of their training and retraining and which rewards initiatives undertaken in college and subsequently .
14 It is refreshingly easy to overcome initial fears , however , if you are prepared to enter into the debate , and not allow yourself to take comments or criticisms personally when a student peers at you agog for carrying out what they see as an archaic approach .
15 They chronicle current attempts to continue what they see as an amoral practice .
16 Developing countries are unhappy about the dominant role envisaged for the Global Environment Facility , run by the World Bank and the UN , which they see as an extension of Western interests .
17 Consequently some people become sucked into what they see as an exclusive club which will eventually pay them a hefty financial dividend .
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