Example sentences of "they [vb base] go down " in BNC.

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1 What we can not countenance though sir , is any widening o of the route that they seek to go down , to have these sites included in the greenbelt , and that 's to say to entertain the argument that the whole of Skelton ought to be washed-over .
2 So even if , if they do go down with flu once they 've had the vaccination , it 's less , it 's likely to be less serious ?
3 • Many poisons cause as much damage coming back up as they do going down , so do not make him vomit unless you are sure it is safe to do so .
4 But there 's still , we still I mean er er you perhaps need to talk to Rob to see what he wants his input , it 's always been a bit airy fairy and there , there are sheets ! the choice is not the same but they should be aware of some of the implications if they choose to go down such and such a road .
5 The snag is at the moment is that annuity rates are n't too hot , cos they 've gone down with interest rates , so er I think maybe that I 'd hold off doing that until later , and use other types of investment , and then maybe at maturity , roll it back into , into erm a er single premium annuity .
6 In fact , they 've gone down .
7 they 've gone down in the world again a bit .
8 let in front , then they 've gone down !
9 they 've reported they 've gone down .
10 They have gone down
11 Er handle the objection about the bonuses cos they have gone down
12 The thing has gone on in a different way from previous years , and the outcome , as you 've observed , although the Liberal Democrats initially proposed spending at capping , they have gone down by half a million pounds .
13 Now them they have to go down sauce up here you 've got no tinned stuff , no ?
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