Example sentences of "they [vb base] go on " in BNC.

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1 The subordinate females do have one or two ways of retaliating — they tend to go on laying longer and produce more eggs than the dominant female , and they also produce the occasional late egg some time after they have laid the rest of their clutch .
2 Because of the continuous pressure exerted by Irish , Black and other women over the years , some English Women 's Movement has died and that if they want must wake up to the fact that the middle-class , gentile English Women 's Movement had died and that if they want to go on referring to us as ethnic minorities then they will have to include themselves as a separate group .
3 Services should n't assume that because relatives cope silently they want to go on doing so for ever .
4 They just do n't know how they 're surviving but they keep going on !
5 Course she 's worried , cos like she smokes a lot and she 's say what thirty and that 's her first , and they keep going on to her all the time like , I said well do n't worry about it , you know .
6 So out of that stalemate negotiations have begun and they 've gone on for three years .
7 But where they 've gone on to have parish councils , you 've had the typical triangular structure and when I talk to people and listen to what they say , they , they do n't express it to me as such , but the felling you get over is that 's the sort of structure they 're used to , because the structure of the church is built in anyway , and the whole structure of the church
8 they had beautiful clothes and they 've gone on for years like that .
9 Right from the beginning of that terrible saga , I have been absolutely determined that the United Nations and any other body that it may be necessary to involve in order to get to the bottom of this and to resolve matters for the people of East Timor — they have gone on since 1975 — should have our support .
10 ‘ He and Elise are travelling around India and after they 've been everywhere there they plan to go on to Thailand and … ’
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