Example sentences of "they [vb past] to the " in BNC.

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1 At the end of the long road Reynolds ' was the first house they had to pass and they started to cringe into themselves behind Moran even before they got to the little hedge of privet above the whitewashed stones .
2 When they got to the hospital she opened her brown leather bag to pay him and he noticed that , as well as the English money , she had some funny-looking foreign notes in her wallet .
3 It had been all whispers and lies till they got to the shop .
4 Unfortunately they were again delayed by rough terrain , and when they got to the road they found it choked with German armour heading for the front .
5 When they got to the shop Hoomey , relieved , said goodbye .
6 When they got to the railway station in Belfast , things got even worse .
7 One of the odder aspects of the 1992 election was the anecdotal evidence from polling station officers who reported to the Market Research Society that many people tried to vote , but only discovered that they were not on the register when they got to the polling station .
8 Customers at Toys R Us buying a Knight Rider marked £29.92 would have to fork out £34.97 when they got to the till , a court heard .
9 Benny and Eve were in the window of Healy 's Hotel practising having cups of coffee so that they would look well accustomed to it when they got to the Dublin coffee houses .
10 Samuel Hitching stated that he examined the Coffin carefully and that it had two canvas patches on where there were decayed places in the Wood — he also measured the thickness of the Board and they were only 5/8 of an inch at top and ½ an inch thick at the bottom — the lid was also warped that they could not screw it down properly-One of the bearers also stated that he was afraid it would fall in pieces before they got to the Church with it .
11 When they got to the airport , Duncan went to the Air Information Service ( AIS ) .
12 Harper raised the cudgel to drive away the beggars who swarmed ever more threateningly the closer they got to the Duke and Duchess of Richmond 's rented house .
13 Annie was hoping he would go in the opposite direction when they got to the end of the path leading from the rose gardens but to her dismay he moved into step beside her .
14 The Sussex Daily News could only say that it was the boy who had the black eye when they got to the police station .
15 And if he managed to do it without her noticing , when they got to the pub his father would be waiting there .
16 He did n't know how to stop her and when she did stop by herself , when they got to the junction and had to change trains , he was afraid to say anything in case she started again , and so he said nothing .
17 But when they got to the bottom of the Grove they were scared a little .
18 They were very tired when they got to the lighthouse .
19 When they got to the bar he ordered a sandwich and took a bowl of tortilla chips to the table .
20 But by the time they got to the beach , the ship was already out to sea .
21 Just before they got to the village , Wayne cracked his silence .
22 The farmers going to market had come down from Barking and Ringshall and those places , and on the rough owd country roads they managed ; but as soon as they got to the tarred road in Needham street they had to stop .
23 When they got to the bedroom , further surprises awaited them : ‘ Out of one of the beds , on which we were to repose , started up , at our entrance , a man black as Cyclops from the forge . ’
24 They got to the pub early .
25 That was , that was what the crew were getting four pound a week and course my father that time he done away with a cabin boy so I had to do more or less two jobs , see if I were n't working on deck I 'd go down and clean the cabins and that 's how , that 's how we kept the money going course then after a few years when they got to the finish about nineteen thirty one then the harbourmaster turned round and he ruc reduced our wages five shillings a week , so we were getting three pound fifteen a week .
26 " I saw Slater heading out the door with some rug-chested young Romeo , " Mr Hunter said as they got to the second-floor landing in the big house .
27 They got to the place where she was staying , a quiet cul-de-sac .
28 To his surprise , when they got to the pub , he found Valerie Cass sitting there over a large gin .
29 When they got to the pensione Sophia prayed quickly to whatever saint arranged such things — one of the less well known women saints , she felt — that it was going to be all right about the rooms .
30 By the time they got to the top she was dangerously close to tears .
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