Example sentences of "from [det] [Wh det] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The climate , terrain and culture of the region could not be more different from that which they had experienced in northern Norway only three months earlier .
2 If the radical criminologists ' assumptions are correct , then the figures for the second half of the 19th century might probably show the opposite from that which they do ’ ( Emsley , 1988 , p. 42 ) .
3 They have not been sufficiently sensitive to the fact that the message received may differ substantially from that which they imagined they had delivered .
4 Held , dismissing the appeal , that there was nothing in the policy of the Insolvency Act 1986 that indicated that Parliament intended to give the words ‘ carried on business ’ in section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) of that Act a meaning different from that which they had been held to bear in section 4(1) ( d ) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 ; that a debtor did not cease to carry on business for the purposes of section 265(1) ( c ) ( ii ) until all the trading debts of the business had been paid ; and that , accordingly , the registrar had been right in holding that since the tax liability had not been discharged the debtor was still carrying on business and that he had jurisdiction to make the bankruptcy order ( post , pp. 122B–E , H — 123A ) .
5 However , this argument was rejected in the House of Lords and Lord Wilberforce ( at p372 ) said that to : … suppose that the assignments were made not by way of sale but by way of security would be to impose upon the parties a form of transaction totally different from that which they had selectednamely , one of saleand of which there was no evidence whatsoever that either of them desired …
6 For example , someone who has just completed a questionnaire ( at T 1 ) on nutrition may have a response to a film on food additives different from that which they would have had in the absence of the questionnaire .
7 We can hope for nothing more than speculation when the events we are talking about took place four billion years ago and took place , moreover , in a world that must have been radically different from that which we know today .
8 I think I should start by stressing the process through which we have gone in order to prepare this report has been somewhat different this year from that which we followed in the past and
9 Indeed the face may be a mask covering a very different existential reality from that which it portrays ( de Levita 1965 ) .
10 In the foregrounding model , stylistic value has a slightly different meaning from that which it has in the " stylistic variants " model : it refers to the special act of interpretation which we make in order to make sense of what would otherwise appear strange and unmotivated .
11 The post-1974 pattern of local government throughout Britain appears substantially different from that which it replaced .
12 In the Western democracies of the late twentieth century the state has taken on an entirely different character from that which it had in the period of laissez-faire capitalism , or in earlier periods , when its functions were mainly confined to tax collecting , internal repression , and external conflict with other states ; now it is responsible in addition for the operation of a great range of public services as well as a general regulation of the whole economic system .
13 Yet , on the day when Harriet saw her off on Penzance station she was afraid that the new way of life Liza had now embarked upon would prove very far removed from that which she had spent under the dedicated care of her former headmistress , Miss Everett .
14 Constant change was worse still ; in the words of one satirist , the scandal of the player was not so much that he disguised his real self in playing ; rather he had no self apart from that which he was playing : ‘ The Statute hath done wisely to acknowledge him a Rogue and errant , tor his chiefe essence is , A daily Counterfeit …
15 A man is not punishable for a serious crime committed by another unless he has actually instigated the commission of a crime , and then he will be punishable though the crime committed may differ in some degree from that which he instigated .
16 A traveller reaching the edge of the escarpment is ‘ surprised and delighted to behold , extended like a map beneath him , a country differing absolutely from that which he has passed through …
17 The phrase represented a manner of thinking about the world very different from that which he had worked out in his own thinking about liberty as perfect obedience to the will of God : an obedience of a will so attuned to the source of order in the universe that there has ceased to be any constraint in obeying .
18 God might have annexed colour sensations to the kind of light reaching our eyes in ; quite different way from that which he has done , so that the very same things ( in their real nature ) which are red to us might have been blue , and vice versa , or we might have experienced , quite different range of colours in the same physical situations .
19 In the process of making them , did you meet any opposition apart from that which you said may have come from the medical malpractice fear ?
20 I want to reserve the publication of these works for a book which will give a view of Modigliani which is much closer to reality , and very different from that which you might get at present from what has been published so far in France and abroad ’ .
21 We say nothing could be further from the truth and indeed to get any if you read just one newspaper this morning we will say from that which you will actually see in the witness box .
22 If you are talking to people you will talk in a quite different mode from that which you will adopt when you 're writing .
23 It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
24 ‘ It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
25 It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
26 It is clear that any civilised system of law is bound to provide remedies for cases of what has been called unjust enrichment or unjust benefit , that is to prevent a man from retaining the money of or some benefit derived from another which it is against conscience that he should keep .
27 If you wish to take a different route from those which we offer , simply book your chosen hotel and make your own way .
28 A dominant tradition of thought within the Labour Party " sees " the British constitution in terms rather different from those which we have so far set down .
29 There does not seem to me to be anything in the policy of the new Act which suggests that in this provision Parliament was intending to give those words a different meaning from those which they had been held to bear under the Act of 1914 .
30 That led the court to hold in that judgment that , as a result of article 234 , a member state might have to apply , in its relations with the other member states , rules different from those which it applied in its relations with non-member countries , even though they were all party to the same international convention .
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