Example sentences of "from [adv] on [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It gave Scarlet the impression that she had grown very old and from now on might just as well go round in her shroud .
2 With little enthusiasm for the day , Fabia got out of bed and , mulling over her problems and the fact that anywhere she went from now on would have to be on foot , she pattered to the bathroom to take a shower .
3 Every by-election from now on must be a Labour or Lib Dem victory .
4 We want the Government to think carefully and respond positively to our recommendations , because we are anxious that the rate of increase in the Budget from now on should not be jacked up by the powerful lobby of the industry and the influence that it can exert on the Government .
5 At that moment , and perhaps for an hour afterwards , I was on Cloud Nine — in a state of happiness , contentment , euphoria , joy and utter peace such as I have never experienced before or since : everything is all right , an inner voice said , and everything from now on will always be all right ; how wonderful to know that life can be like this .
6 Of a rather mixed sculpture section ( pre-war works performed particularly badly and from now on will be offered in traditional British sales ) the market for small pieces by Moore held up well .
7 Membership from now on will be by invitation only as existing places become available through natural wastage .
8 The situation of the marriage from now on will be that of three people rather than two .
9 How quickly the solar market grows from now on will depend , crucially , on its cost .
10 ‘ At first the pilots and navigators will mostly go their separate ways and concentrate on the subjects peculiar to their own calling , but after about a week they will be crewed-up — one pilot , one nav/observer , and one nav/plotter to a crew on the bomber side and a pilot and a navigator on the PR — and from then on will attend lectures and do drills as crew members .
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