Example sentences of "from [art] [adj] but " in BNC.

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1 Once it is accepted that management involves technical expertise , the court could , without departing from the existing but anomalous principle that the standard of care is linked to the attributes of the director , impose an appropriately higher standard , given that most executive directors of large companies do have considerable business experience .
2 Erm , we do know quite a lot about erm , why it is that when you diet you start to think about food all the time , and why it is that certain things happen , and I think that there 's more and more information and knowledge being gathered and yes , the na , the desire to change has to come from the individual but perhaps , having clinics available where people can go when they 're ready to change or where they can get help .
3 The result was to move towards increasing the secondary school population , especially from the poor but intelligent children kept out by existing provision .
4 What we owned we stole and filched , not from the poor but the merchants , the lawyers , the fat and the rich .
5 He noticed everything , from the good but worn carpets to the books that abounded in the room .
6 In the absence of a precise definition of services , the distinction enables us to disentangle the growth and contraction of service employment across a range of service industries from the separate but related growth of service employment in the economy as a whole .
7 Seductive country , then , to charm a young London schoolteacher away from the semi-rural but crowded northern suburbs of the capital .
8 It 's hard to imagine a guitar further from the honourable but over-copied Martin tradition , both in feel and in sound .
9 Well I do n't mind , well I mean this is a horrible thing to say but I do n't necessarily mind people robbing from the rich but when it 's poor people robbing from the poor , it 's a really wank off , really wanky thing to do , you know , I just think it 's disgusting .
10 The most obvious manifestation of volcanic activity comes from the infrequent but spectacular eruption of volcanoes on land .
11 It must be regarded as extremely probable that Oswiu was able to seek help in the confrontation with Penda not only from the Scots but also from the Picts , possibly even from the Irish ( see also below , p. 99 ) .
12 And slowly that heat found an answer in her wakening body , Lucenzo 's expert , demanding and ferocious kisses a world away from the enthusiastic but unexciting lunges from the young men at home .
13 In the 1920s , State museums stocked up with the better known works by profiting from confiscations and arrests ; in the 1930s and 1940s , by profiting from arrests and confiscations , and even from the unseen but colossal stockpile of war trophies .
14 Two hot records from the obscure but heavily collected Hooj Choons label from Felix and Hyper Go-Go , plus The Ragga Twins ’ fine ‘ Shine Eye ’ , Peter Bouncer 's ‘ So Here I Come ’ , plus Finitribe , Phuture Assassins etc .
15 If you want to go through the details of assignment and analysis , there are many excellent treatments that will help you , varying in depth from the brief but extremely clear account in Ref. [ 20 ] to long and complicated books on the subject , for example , Ref. [ 21 ] .
16 His first feeling as he emerged from the short but deep sleep which came to him at the end of every restless night , was that he was bloody glad to be alive .
17 The preferred route lay along the coast of the Arabian peninsula , away from the deeper but vulnerable water on the Iranian side .
18 But in fact his range was very much wider , from the Rabelaisian but musically brilliant ‘ Au joly jeu du pousse avant ’ ( he was an almost exact contemporary of Rabelais ) to the innocent sweetness of ‘ Au premier jour du joly moys de may ’ and the exquisite ‘ Petite Nymphe folastre ’ , from the pure homophony of ‘ Ce moys de may ’ to the florid counterpoint of ‘ Si d'ung petit de vostre bien ’ .
19 Numbers will increase gradually from the mid-1990s but by the turn of the century they will still be below current levels .
20 They range from the common but splendid gulls to the truly magnificent gannets ; shags and cormorants , which look very much alike and are fabulous divers ; razorbills , which in my view look more like penguins ; guillemots and of course the famous puffin , which lives mainly on some of the many rugged islands just off shore .
21 Chamberlain appeared to have collected Ritchie 's high cross from the left but lost the ball under the Sharp 's challenge .
22 His tempers at nighttime disturb Amy and also earn bangs on the wall from the irritated but otherwise kindly , elderly couple next door .
23 His tempers at nighttime disturb Amy and also earn bangs on the wall from the irritated but otherwise kindly , elderly couple next door .
24 The move up to verse can be made for the exit of a person from a lower but also for the entrance of one from a higher rank .
25 In the spirit of this policy , no application from a disabled but otherwise qualified candidate will be rejected because of his or her disablement without the applicant being given full opportunity to see the facilities of the University and to discuss with appropriate staff how particular difficulties might be overcome .
26 John Hutt was a youth of 19 from a poor but upright Christian family .
27 The third type of doubt stems from a simple but basic deficiency in understanding why Christianity is true .
28 Yet the same forces and influences on society which saw the emergence of the Die-hards as the main force of the radical right after the First World War also saw more extremist reactions from a small but significant group who thought like Banister , and who were prepared to use Burton 's supposed evidence .
29 The tensions and contradictions in this scenario have produced a response , not from politicians , but from a small but growing section of the population involved in various forms of social and community action .
30 Detectives have uncovered evidence that the rapist comes from a small but precise location within the city .
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