Example sentences of "from [art] [adj] which " in BNC.

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1 When , ten years later , neighbouring Norfolk set afoot proposals to follow suit , its two MPs were petitioned by the small-holders and labourers of the hundreds concerned to use their influence to prevent : that imprisonment of our persons , that separation from our children , that destruction of our race , that loss to the kingdom , and that curse from the Almighty which must attend establishing a poor house upon the specious fallacy of providing for our comfort , by the breaking of our hearts .
2 In it are examples of his installation work and some object sculptures , among them ‘ Bureau Couvert de Mules ’ of 1966 and another work from the Sixties which consists of a stuffed parrot in a glass case with an accompanying text and a tape-loop of sound .
3 As though to prepare us for that vision , Rubin Spangle has devised a show of early Flavin works from the Sixties which will be on until the end of the month .
4 Impact printers are the largest group and consist of three main sub categories ; dot matrix , daisy wheel and ink jet and , apart from the latter which actually fires its ink these operate by pressing something hard through a ribbon in order to leave an impression on the sheet of paper .
5 The Neath captain , who leads a pack which shows four changes — one positional — from the eight which fired on empty cylinders against Ireland earlier in the month , will be charging his front five with the task of creating an early impression on title-chasing France .
6 ENID BAGNOLD 's The Chalk Garden is an exotic bloom from the 1950s which miraculously retains its freshness more than 35 years after its premiere .
7 The Fohn is the name given to the south wind from the Mediterranean which , when it meets the Alps , precipitates much moisture on the southern aspects and brings dry warmth to areas immediately to the north of the Alps .
8 Finally , there is the tension in the design process between the sense of design as a transformative activity , a positing activity , transcendent of the givens of a problem ( in the sense of both breaking with context and with the form of the immediately perceived requirements — design as defining needs as well as solutions ) and design as a posited activity , that which works from the given which deals with what is real not with what is merely planned or speculated or imagined .
9 Take the smaller from the larger which will give you ?
10 By this time the Jewish community in Greece had dwindled to something like 6,000 ( from the 11,000 which remained after the Nazi occupation ; 75,000 having been liquidated ) .
11 Volume IV catches up on student work and the expressive , figurative work of the 1950s , while Volume VIII deals with a hybrid group from the 1980s which harks back to this earlier preoccupation with the body .
12 It is none other than the superhuman power which raised Christ from the dead which is let loose within our human bodies ( Eph. 1:18f ) .
13 The prospect of a radical overhaul of US banking legislation was confirmed on Feb. 5 when the US Treasury announced proposals including the abolition of two laws dating from the 1930s which were widely blamed for the fragmented character of US banking .
14 Notorious articles ( 141 , 142 and 163 ) of the penal code dating from the 1930s which effectively outlawed communist or fundamentalist opinion were abolished by the new legislation .
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