Example sentences of "from all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To those for whom gas was out of the question , and candles or lamps were expensive luxuries , firelight was often the single source of light as well as heat , as George Eliot notes in Adam Bede : ‘ It was a pretty scene in the red fire-light : for there were no candles ; why should there be , when the fire was so bright , and was reflected from all the pewter and the polished oak ? ’
2 You see , quite apart from all the work , he had such financial problems , particularly with the large mortgage on the farm .
3 from all the work they did .
4 Then we e enhanced it and then eventually er Robin knocked this up you see from all the work we 'd done , but we never sat down and went through this .
5 Well the the some of the soldiers and sailors used to walk from all the way home to or or .
6 Cummins ' engine factory in Darlington , built by Roche and Dinkeloo in the 60s , is the solitary recent building to get a unanimous thumbs-up from all the demolition men .
7 It took him fifteen minutes and by the end his hand was sore from all the shaking .
8 He found that he was so full-up from all the liquid in his diet that he hardly had room for his evening meal .
9 I think the most important thing is to try and find that gap in the market that is not well trodden by a lot of other people — to find something which you can do which is different from all the rest of them .
10 for us all , however , the two dominical sacraments stand out from all the rest — namely baptism and Holy Communion .
11 But the tenth commandment is different from all the rest .
12 And that is how the town collected that surprising classical street which stands apart from all the rest .
13 But these passages of Diodorus are different from all the rest of Diodorus : the style has a new vitality , the portraits conjure up strange and irrepressible personalities , the political and moral judgements are far more personal than in the previous books .
14 I used to go to these houses with all the other kids , and you could hear the parents , someone would say , but he 's not very like his father , and then they 'd all explain in voices you could hear a mile away , and I would get funny looks from all the rest .
15 She watched every video you ever made , trying to analyse just what it was that made you so special , so different from all the rest . ’
16 The youngest gets the kicks from all the rest , that 's nothing new .
17 As we explained at the beginning erm spending on housing is completely and absolutely separate from all the rest of the Council 's spending , so that
18 The discontinuity involved in the act of measurement is the one really novel feature which sets quantum mechanics apart from all the physics which preceded it .
19 Molly had got out — got away from all the criticism and tantrums .
20 You would be expected , often at a very short notice , to deal with the legal problems and issues arising from all the support services required for the operation of the employer 's business such as the marketing and advertising of products and services .
21 My guns were inspected and a statement was taken from all the crew and I was released , as I said many times later , " without prejudice " , but darkly adding " subject to re-arrest " .
22 Long ago she had retreated from all the suffering into her own world .
23 ‘ He was distressed from all the moving , so it was kindest to put him down , ’ Steve said .
24 The Scottish Cycling Council , which is made up of rep 's from all the DA 's ( and others ) , is quite deeply involved in the debate on access to the countryside .
25 This was despite a brave effort from all the Derry stalwarts like Liam O'Donnell , Peter Smyth , Barry Goodman , Aidan Tighe , Paddy Duffy , Philip Coll and Robert Cooper .
26 From all the discussion so far , one would predict that BSL as a language should be no more difficult to learn than a foreign language , except , that is , for the fact that BSL is not a high status language and its users are often treated as failures .
27 The comment voiced from apparently everywhere is that workwear represents a move away from Eighties designer flash : away from all the heavily-labelled , non-hard-wearing , too-clever-by-half , over-styled garbage .
28 Several teams will climb routes from all the compass points of the mountain including the North Face route .
29 There 's no hanging about here tonight it 's straight into the action from all the weekend and we start with the big match at Filbert Street , Leicester City against Nottingham Forest .
30 Long-term solutions , which could involve agreed workouts and profit participations , require input from all the company 's professional advisers .
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